

Well-Known Member
Whats the earliest i can start flowering i need these to get these done so i can get done and get some real good seeds but i would like to try these out and so far so good..

p.s one of my plants have very very small white spots any ideas?


Active Member
What ya growing?
Some folks will start long flowering sativas at 12/12 from seed.
Indy dom I'd give 'em at least a month from seed.
Where are your little white spots? If they're on the leaves it could be spider mites. Check the undersides of the leaves for little brown critters.


Well-Known Member
thanks man its bag seeds not looking for anything great just a learning experience how much will they grow probably during the flowering phase ill check for spider mites

Checked for spider mites and didnt seem to have them its very small white spots on the top and on about 2 out of 9 plants


Active Member
how much will they grow probably during the flowering phase
Some plants will hardly stretch at all and others will more than double in size. You should expect them to a least double in size during flowering so you don't run out of head room.


New Member
Where are the spots? How many spots on each plant are there? Do you water into soil or do you spray them? I'm only asking if you spray them because I don't know how old they are.


Active Member
The white spots can be a number of things, and the pain in the ass for growers is trying to figure out which problem it is, and then trying to fix it. It can be spider mites, which dwell mostly underneath the leaf unless they are munching on the leaf. When they munch you can see them on the surface, and they leave these white spots where they bit. But it's more like white discoloration from them sucking the life out of it. These are a bitch, as you can almost never exterminate them. YOu can only try to maintain their population. Another option is powder mildew or mold. This stuff looks like tiny tiny salt crystals dusted all over the leaves. They are a bit easier to handle, and some organic fungicide should get rid of them if you repeat the treatment as directed. They COULD be whitefly honeydew drops and larva. But this is unlikely unless you've seen white gnats fly about. Of course there's always the possbility that the white spots are early THC trichome development. In my opinion its always hard to tell if its THC because some strains don't exhibit THC for a while, and some strains do, depending on your grow conditions. I've heard people rubbing the crystals on the fingers and smelling it to see if it's THC. Best option for you is to 1. get a camera and post a pic of your plants on this site, and 2. buy some neem-oil based fungicide WITH insecticide. Its like 20 bucks and will come in handy, if not now, then in the future.