

I just put my babies on 12/12 about a week ago, im new to growing inside,so i just uesd so good seeds from a good bag,to see how i would do growing inside! so far so well, but i would like to know how soon will i see some results with the 12/12?


Well-Known Member
If you wish to speed up the process, i guess your trying to sex the plants, you can use an additive such as 'Bud Blood' which will make the plant show its sex in about 3 days. This is from my personal experience, always see signs of sex within 3 days.


Well-Known Member
No, bud blood is for the first week of flowering only. Its not directly responsible for making buds bigger but as it makes buds start growing earlier, in some cases two weeks, then they have longer to grow bigger.


Well-Known Member
Oh yes, strain does have a bearing on when the sex shows, so does environment, lights etc etc. Many many variables. But as an average most show within 7-14 days. Just with bud blood I know that every time without fail the sex will show within 3 days.