Flushing my Plants?


Just wondering what it means to flush your plants my plants are about 3 weeks old could flushing benefit them?



Well-Known Member
flushing is exactly what it sounds like. you thoroughly "flush" plant with clean, pure, ph balanced water. allow water to run out of drainage holes a considerable amount. it can be used to flush nutrients out of the plant or an additive that you no longer want in the soil. it should be done 2 weeks prior to harvest to rid plant of nutes to improve taste and smoke. can also be used to help some ailments a plant may have.


Well-Known Member
watering with 2x the amount of water than your pot (5gal.pot-10gal.water) will flush out the plant,(this is why you must have good drainage) usually done 1-2 weeks before harvest to flush out the nutes<plant tastes better> no need to flush now it will not help your plants:leaf: