Foliar feeding Lucas formula for seedling in Ebb and flow


Well-Known Member
So i have 3 seedlings 2 white widow x skunk, and 1 royal kush, so i took one of those wwXskunk#1 seedlings,
Put it in my flower tent, on my DIY Flood and drain table, the seedling was about 2 weeks old with 3 nodes,

Now the seedling is getting fed whatever my flowering plants are getting, and I'm noticing a little bit of yellowing, which i know is coming from a Nitrogen deficiency, So i was wondering if i could Foliar feed it to help it give it what it's missing, an also how i do I mix a foilar spray?? would it be the same as mixing my nutes for everything else???


Well-Known Member
i dont use foliar spray but that dont sound like a good idea. have you ever spilled nutes on your leaves? they fry.