Food Combinations


Well-Known Member
Ok so I know that when I get munchies I eat like crazy but not just regular food, but many combinations of things you've never even heard of.

I wanna hear what crazy things you've mixed and eaten when you got the munchies.



Well-Known Member
macaroni and cheese mixed in with chili was good as shit but sober it doesnt sound so appetizing. usually when im home alone and i get blazed i will cook full on meals, with soup salad, pasta, and garlic bead all shit ill make myself and i get stuffed and its good as shit food


Well-Known Member
When i was a kid eating cornbread & butter milk was a treat,i know pretty fukin lame but what the hell,shit was different back then.

Anyhow i was craving that shit about 10 years ago,i got all fuked up & wanted some bad but we didnt have any cornbread,and my wife was pissed at me because i drank a whole fifth of vodka so she wasnt cooking me shit that night, so i improvised.

I took a big ass bowl,threw a bunch of fritos in it & poured butter milk all over it,then ate the hell out of it,bad idea,real bad idea,that shit mixed with the vodka & it was the end for my old ass.

Within minutes it was all about force vomiting :spew::spew::spew:

I dont fuk around after that shit,if i get the munchies i stick with tried & true foods like cheese burgers or bacon & eggs.


Well-Known Member
I dont fuk around after that shit,if i get the munchies i stick with tried & true foods like cheese burgers or bacon & eggs.

dude.. making b and e is a regualar for me when im stoned. i chop up the bacon and put in in with the eggs.. some times in a wrap. the other day i made a cheesy bacon omlet.. mmmmm.. ilove bacon


Well-Known Member
i have culinary class at school so i we have a walk in fridge and in there is another door that goes into a walk in freezer that has sub zero temps
i go in there and toke up then go cook food
people love me in that class because im actually a good chef lol


Well-Known Member
dude.. making b and e is a regualar for me when im stoned. i chop up the bacon and put in in with the eggs.. some times in a wrap. the other day i made a cheesy bacon omlet.. mmmmm.. ilove bacon
Omg a B & E omlet would be so good right now with a bunch of cheeses omg -drools-


Well-Known Member
there's many others but heres just a few ive done over the years..

1) tang and tea

2) swiss miss vanilla milkshake

3) poptart pb&j sandwich

4) cereal and icecream (some chocolate sauce on top is always a plus)


Well-Known Member
i tend to eat combos more when im drunk than high. well i guess im always high so when im KRUNK i eat more food combos. when i got home last night i found myself eating cooler ranch doritos with an inch thick of cheez whiz on top. almost ate the whole bag.


Well-Known Member
I am making cream of chicken and mushroom soup right now. its gonna be good. I am making up a recipe as a go along. it will warm me up from all this snow. hey I might post the recipe while im cooking.
Would any one like this?? I will do it if someone wants.