Fool's CFL Bag Seed Grow


Well-Known Member
gettin biggerrr, you ever consider gettin some white reflective poly? its pretty cheap and works well for reflecting the light back.


Active Member
bloom plus schults.10/54/10 been handleing it fine. i did just feed it with full strength 2 days ago.. but it doesnt look like nute burn in person. maybe a PH problem have never checked that with this plant or soil. i might end up flushing it today if i dont get some respondses in the plant problem area. i cant have another plant die over night on me again in flowering.


Active Member
yeah dude its probaly PH if you have NEVER checked it lol
yeah i flushed the clone... idk why the clone was showing the same dmg on the same morning as my other plant. it hadnt gotten nutes in ALONG time.

Anyways i wasnt able to get a ph test off the run off at the time. and i plan to flush my main plant 2moro am. havnt gotten any new intel on how to fix so flush it is. i will Def! get a ph test on that one


Well-Known Member
flushing is how you fix ph problems, but flushing wont help if you dont buffer the PH thats in the water in the first place.
dont ride the PH rollercoaster, just get a ph inbetween 6 and 7. its crucial you always keep an eye on your PH because even if ur water is ph corrected the soil might not be, to test what the soil ph is, you get abunch of water make the ph 7 or whatever around that and then test the water that comes out the buttom, it will contain the ph of your soil, then you will know if its off, anything under 6 will lock up mag and cal and anything over 7 will lock up other things so gotta keep it in a happy medium.
and until you get the problem figured out foliar feed it with some diluted fert, the ph doesn't need to be perfect with foliar feeding, but that way it will get abit of food.


Active Member
thank you. that info will be very usefull. i have a ph tester and everything. i will find some 6.5 solution at a pet store or something. so i have a base ph to work off of when i flush my main plant. i have tested my tap water before and its damn close. but i would like to be more accurate. on a side note. my clones leaves are fucking strait up atm like its ready to take on the world haha. it was abit droopy after the flush (to be expected) there are still afew dmgd leaves on the clone i left. so 2moro ill be able to see if the clone gets worse or better. i also took note of 2 specific fan leaves on my main plant to watch for 2moro as well.

your explanation really seems correct to me. the pics i found where leaning me to a mag problem and the ph being under 6 would cut off the mag like u said. so that very well could be it.


Well-Known Member
yepp, glad i could help ya, plus if your water contains chlorine then you should let some water sit out un sealed for a few hours to let it disapate or else you can posion the plant slowly.


Active Member
alright i got some 6.5 solution only thing pet store had. so i used that to set my Hanna ph meter. i checked every gallon i put into the plant. made sure 6.5 everything. run off for the first 7 gallons stays at 5.5 on the 10th it was 5.8 so my PH is LOW. i only have ph down. no ph up. and i dont think i can water it anymore for some time now. how do i increase that ph? i did see a bottle of 7.5 solution they where just all out. would i be better regulating it to 7.5? so the run off is closer to 6.mids

Tap water. is 7.2... so maybe i shoulda flushed it with just tap water. think i woulda gotten a better run off from the tap. damnit just thought of it now

is this flush going to do more harm then good because the run off ended up being 5.8ish? give or take .1. Im starten to think the ph wasnt the problem if my tap was 7.2 then it was balanced better from my tap then the regulated 6.5 :-/

side note my main plant looked alot worse this am then yesterday when the problem first started. its at least spread 3/4 of the plant

edit the time on this post is off. this happend before the posts above


Active Member
lol my posts times are not right. my shes dieing post just posted above my msg i posted about 6 hours ago. post bellow this was a good 6 hours before this post wtf...


Well-Known Member
Yeah any gain is good, mix some baking soda in with your water that is a "PH UP" buffer, and if you water with a high value like 8ph or so it might or could bring your ph up too what you want. but give it a lil time to dry out, over watering makes your plant wilt due too lack of oxygen in the soil so give it a rest for abit and grab some baking soda then water it till you get about a value of 6.5 or so, 1 tablespoon of baking soda too a gallon is usually what works well but its pretty potent stuff so just add abit at a time and also if you have a heating pad try to warm your water up abit because cold water does plants no good.


Active Member
alright so now i just gotta wait and hope it drys out abit before it dies. because that flush didnt do it any good. im seeing alot more dmg now. and ALL the smaller leaves from the buds zone are looking dead. ATM the top cola and the very bottom of the plant are the only parts un harmed


Active Member
just flushed Her again. highest my ph meter would read was 8.0 no matter how much baking soda i added. so i emptied my container re brought up another gallon to 8.0 ran three gallons threw at 8.0 now its reading 6.4 ph run off. so ima let it dry out again and hope for a change


Well-Known Member
just flushed Her again. highest my ph meter would read was 8.0 no matter how much baking soda i added. so i emptied my container re brought up another gallon to 8.0 ran three gallons threw at 8.0 now its reading 6.4 ph run off. so ima let it dry out again and hope for a change

6.4 run off is great
it should be corrected now.:clap::leaf: