For everbody.. Who was waiting.


Well-Known Member
my plant was STOLEN
i came home yesterday morning..

and somebody broke my bitch in half, left the stalk and roots in the ground

and jus snapped it..

i dont promote violence

but around these parts, you fuck around yo and come in to a nuccas yard.. TRESPASS then STEAL.. what esle can i say?

a nucca heated, but also around deez parts.. it's not that big of a city, so secrets don't stand too long.. some nucca gonna slip up and say the wrong shit to the wrong person

please pray for'em


my bad ya'll
there will be a '09 summer growth


Until then... :bigjoint:

smoke on...


Well-Known Member
THat is what really pisses me off is little kids running around stealing peoples weed plants. They just cant comprehend the amount of work it took to grow that plant, all the time and effort that went into growing it. I hope one day they grow some plants and all them get stolen. carma. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
that is really fucked up man. My advice...get a big dog. Ive read several grow books and they all mention one of the best deterrents for weed thieves are dogs. For your summer grow, what strain do you plan on getting? Im Bout to start some G13 Labs Thai Super Skunk.

P.S.- Good Luck in finding that motherfucker who jacked u !!!!