For shoebox dubtub

First flush yielded me a total of 68g, fully cracker dry. The tubs are currently being dunked, so tomorrow I will post the updated pics. Hopefully I didnt bruise them up too bad. Small fruits, and alot of deformities. So adapting the tubs for more fae is a must.
No updated pics of the tubs, but here some beauties I jus harvested off the second flush,currently under the influences of my first homegrown gram of these wonderful treats. I made them in a tea and drank it. What a delight that was. Had some grapefruit immune boost tea, and steeped the chopped up mushies in that for about 20 mins. Pretty good body high, more visuals than off the truffles I consumed. Definitely an all around better feeling so far. Watching Mortal Kombat. Anybody else get all hyped when they saw skorpion drop his infamous line? Hahahahaha


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