For the Educated....The Begining of the End & About Time. Room 101 is Already Here


Active Member
Hi All

I pic a night I smoke a shit load of weed then flake out & wonder. So ONLY people with an educated opinion need Reply!! Morons use the box provided. I always need toilet roll!!

I know this is "old" news but I was watching this & it just reaffirmed my belief that we are Well passed our sell by date when we let this happen.
Again, I know this is "old" news but that is why I had to post this.

We have been trained to believe what we see. We are taught to accept the horrific and smile. Its like "Mr Smith" 1984 enjoying room 101 & the prospect of the rat eating his face.

So much so, we let the truth go quietly into the night, without a shout, without a voice............Turns out it was the begining of the end of freedom!!

How many times can you recall where the US pissed on "Democracy" when it suited them?? Im hesitent to talk about the part engalnd has played because Im Irish, I dont want this to be seen as some anti english post. But being born in Hackney London, im a bit of a geezer ;) so I think I can talk from both sides!!

But these 10min of video, for me, are the condensed historical version of the begining of the end.

YouTube - Fahrenheit 9-11 part.1