for the haters

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Well-Known Member
this post is directed at the trolls who clog up the forums and try to discredit the people like me that want to and try to help.I made that very clear.Its not for the helpers its not a side by side.Its a statement,. If yourself and mr ohso have read the thread you would know that.So save your lecture on optimisom and personal outlook. I didnt post it to be warm and fuzzy and nicey nice. I posted it to get hater trolls the fuck awawy from me. So you can join mr ohsogreen in the "I need to read a thread and understand its intention before i open my mouth"forum------------ good day.
Mr Ohsogreen can & will speak for himself.
Bonghits4all - you are the very kind of person, forums don't need. Wrong attitude - not here to learn, share, discuss and exchange ideas in an adult manner. I was young, dumb and loud once. Then I got past all that & grew up. Maybe you should consider doing the same.
I see you grew a few nice plants - even a broken clock is right twice a day. So we can't say it was all skill or because MG is the bomb. Maybe you just got lucky, or maybe those aren't even your plants ????
Read the signature...... I put it there for a reason - life is journey.......not a competition...........
But I'm sure I'm talking over your head - so I will let this be the last word, Bye....... :clap:


Well-Known Member
again mabey you should read the post from the begining.your no helper ive aseen you in many forums trying to find a insignificant detail to flame about just like your doing now your a petulant angry child. ill put my gear next to anything youve ever done and wipe the floor with you. and its no fluke for years my buds have been the best around.Ive allready been there and done that. ive grown every method you can think of except aeroponics. So take your jellousy and get out now.


Active Member
ill put my gear next to anything youve ever done and wipe the floor with you. So take your jellousy and get out now.

Ha Ha Ha Ha BH4A You obviously haven't seen OSG's plants. I have. He grows small trees with baseball bat sized buds. I saw your pics, not even in the same ball park. I've also read most of his posts. He spends most of his time helping people, not talking shit or loading up pics saying look here I can grow a weed. I think OSG has you pegged, young, dumb and loud. Go find a rock BH4A and crawl back under it - HATER !!!!! :finger:


Well-Known Member
bonghits, I'm one of the newbs you help out last year. I'll vouch for your grow knowledge. You helped me out a lot with a problem I was having.

I think there's something around here for all the shit talkers...Lemme see if I can find it.

It's around here somewhere...

I know I just saw it a few minutes ago...

Oh yeah...


There it is. bonghits, you're the man. Nice pics by the way:weed:
thanks howard


Well-Known Member
Mr Ohsogreen can & will speak for himself.
Read the signature...... I put it there for a reason - life is journey.......not a competition...........
But I'm sure I'm talking over your head - so I will let this be the last word, Bye....... :clap:.

seriously fucking deeeeeep stuff. but i do think i have the grasp. its a cop out phrase said by meek losers who never won anything.

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
A question to all the haters and negative peps????---I find it weird that if your smoking good medicine how you could even have a negative attitude or want to fight with others on this forum:?:---Man I'm medicated a lot and the very last thing I want to do is argue or fight with others--I just don't understand it at all???---I have never smoked medicine that puts me in that frame of mind--only the opposite. I am always happy and cheerful---and way laid back. Maybe it's just me:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Maybe it's something in the MG, Doc, whch causes an attitude filled with such vitriol. I know I was a much angrier dude in my early days and I also used MG and other chemical salts. Just a thought, and not meant to flame.

But what was meant to flame was this thread. Anyone complaining about haters, but hating on others themselves, has it wrong. Bh4a, I read every word of the thread. It is off topic for the forum it was placed in, and I see no reason for it other than to stir guano and make people pick sides. Me personally, I think your buds look pretty good. And I'm sure they make you happy. And they may even be better than everyone elses around, as you state. But that's your opinion. It isn't fact. It is also a fact that ohsogreen made a quality post to your thread regarding humility. You can attack him for his attitude, though yours leaves little room to judge. I would rather die a happy, unbitter, man who never won anything than a sad, angry man always competing for glory. Different strokes for different folks.

I would take his bud over yours, based upon not only each of your contributions to RIU, but also on his attitude. I feel cannabis and phychadelics can impart some of their creators energy to the end user. I sure wouldn't want all the reactive behavior you seem to be so fond of.

So am I a hater/ ohsogroupie now? Or do you have a cogent argument against my statements?


Well-Known Member
A question to all the haters and negative peps????---I find it weird that if your smoking good medicine how you could even have a negative attitude or want to fight with others on this forum:?:---Man I'm medicated a lot and the very last thing I want to do is argue or fight with others--I just don't understand it at all???---I have never smoked medicine that puts me in that frame of mind--only the opposite. I am always happy and cheerful---and way laid back. Maybe it's just me:bigjoint:
i never wanted to argue. i just wanted to show off my buds that i was proud of. I tried to help a guy that night and got flamed by a hater.hence the name of the thread. Then ohso comes in and started his proding trying to instigate me. And i will not back down.


Well-Known Member
Maybe it's something in the MG, Doc, whch causes an attitude filled with such vitriol. I know I was a much angrier dude in my early days and I also used MG and other chemical salts. Just a thought, and not meant to flame.

But what was meant to flame was this thread. Anyone complaining about haters, but hating on others themselves, has it wrong. Bh4a, I read every word of the thread. It is off topic for the forum it was placed in, and I see no reason for it other than to stir guano and make people pick sides. Me personally, I think your buds look pretty good. And I'm sure they make you happy. And they may even be better than everyone elses around, as you state. But that's your opinion. It isn't fact. It is also a fact that ohsogreen made a quality post to your thread regarding humility. You can attack him for his attitude, though yours leaves little room to judge. I would rather die a happy, unbitter, man who never won anything than a sad, angry man always competing for glory. Different strokes for different folks.

I would take his bud over yours, based upon not only each of your contributions to RIU, but also on his attitude. I feel cannabis and phychadelics can impart some of their creators energy to the end user. I sure wouldn't want all the reactive behavior you seem to be so fond of.

So am I a hater/ ohsogroupie now? Or do you have a cogent argument against my statements?
yes you are and also proud to call yourself a liar i see.


Well-Known Member
Kind you say ? Right....
Just trying to show off ? So true......
This forum is a mellow place, if you can't be mellow too - maybe you should move on to greener pastures - like the chem growing threads......where MG is welcomed with open watering cans....
Can a man that speaks (types) hatefully - really be kind ??? & maybe chem growing is filling you with bad stuff - bad stuff in bad stuff really need to go organic to grow the KIND Mary....
I noticed you gave me a negative rep under your screenname, then under Zan your alter ego. They have medicine for those types of problems. Seek professional help.......before those around you suffer needlessly.....
& don't worry - I will not waste my time giving you a negative rep - sad, angry people like you - punish themselves daily.....


Well-Known Member
Kind you say ? Right....
Just trying to show off ? So true......
This forum is a mellow place, if you can't be mellow too - maybe you should move on to greener pastures - like the chem growing threads......where MG is welcomed with open watering cans....
Can a man that speaks (types) hatefully - really be kind ??? & maybe chem growing is filling you with bad stuff - bad stuff in bad stuff really need to go organic to grow the KIND Mary....
I noticed you gave me a negative rep under your screenname, then under Zan your alter ego. They have medicine for those types of problems. Seek professional help.......before those around you suffer needlessly.....
& don't worry - I will not waste my time giving you a negative rep - sad, angry people like you - punish themselves daily.....
your a idiot dude. i have no alter ego or screen name i gave you bad rep though cause you deserve it. if someone else did too it just gose to show your transperent. that means people see through you.your a poser pretending to be all nice but your not. you try to passively instigate trouble. and you straight up lie cause you did give me neg. rep.You started something, and dont have the ammo to finish it. so go away pretender leave MY THREAD.


Well-Known Member
You are a bitter little man bh4a. Neg rep me? You are weak too. I however won't bother with returning the favor. Proud to call myself a liar? Use your brain dude. We both know why that's in my sig. Don't act stupid. And your boyfriend also neg rep'ed me calling me a hater. I never hated. I love you all. I don't like a few of you, but I don't act like a child doling out neg rep's when someone disagrees with me.

Showing off your buds? You sure picked an interesting way to brag. It seems as you have a thin skin and your feelings are easily hurt . You also are paranoid and read too much in to peoples posts. It's best to read and understand the words written, as opposed to assuming people are trying to instigate you.

So where is the cogent argument or can you only sling mud and hand out anonymous neg rep's. Have fun with your negativity and bitterness. I'm gonna smoke some kind organic buds and think kind thoughts to you. Leave your name when you neg rep someone, coward.


Well-Known Member
So who's the girly-man who used someone elses username to neg rep me? Hiding in the shadows is life for rats and cockroaches. I hope you were able to masturbate your ego at my expense.
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