For Those Up For A Challenge


Well-Known Member
then what's the point of freezing it?
The cannabinoids are all found within the trichomes on the plant. And when you freeze the plant, you cause the trichomes to become brittle. When they are brittle, they easily fall off the leaves when agitated, leaving them to be collected.



Well-Known Member
Ohhh, nm, I misread your post. There really is no point in freezing your weed if your cooking with it. Freezing is really only helpful for preserving weed for lengths of time and hash/oil making.



Active Member

I would like to add this bit of information that the guy who came up with this recipe added to it.

Tincture is really easy to make... .

Just follow the directions of making delta-11-carboxy cannabis.
Delta 11 carboxy is water soluble so it really dissolves almost instantly into alcohol.

Alcohol has a maximum saturation point; so putting too much cannabis does not make it stronger after a certain point.. To get really strong tincture you need really pure alcohol.

On what's available at the local liqueur store you can put from 1 to 1.5 ozs of delta 11 good bud-shake per 40 oz of alcohol.=A0 The transfer of thc in normal green bud/shake will take at least one month to transfer across to the alcohol. [professional herbalist tinctures usually let herbs steep for 3-4 months]. But with this delta 11 it's for all intents and purposes it transfers almost immediately. But letting it steep for a week is recommended;
- .then it's just a matter of filterring it thru a finer and finer screens to take the lumps out.

I have a friend who uses Jagermeister as the base alcohol and he calls it Heinz 57 because jager has 56 spices in it. My preference is vodka; it will turn a beautiful amber colour and you can get a drift of how strong it gets because it gets darker the stronger it gets.
- Vodka tincture can be used like any tincture and it will work but it makes the best tasting 'bloody mary' or 'ceasar' you've ever tasted one or two oz will give a very strong stone.

For coconut oil
All oil can hold lots of THC,. Any oil can handle 1.5 ozs of delta 11 bud/shake per pound of oil.
- again the tranfer is a lot faster and better than doing it with green bud

TO MAKE OIL: take an electric deep fryer and set the temp to 290 farenheit degrees and just let the oil and cannabis steep at that temperature for 6-8 hrs. .
- Then it's just a matter of filterring the lumps out.. Making the oil too hot will give a bad burnt smell and taste, and this happens when the oil gets over 325 degrees.

The best press for squashing [recoving all] the oil from the leaf is a potato press.

[it looks like a really big garlic press, and they will handle about 1/2 an oz per pressing]
- Filtering coconut oil especially needs to be done with some heat, because the oil simply doesn't want to go thru the screens, especially the finer ones.

You can cook anything with coconut oil and it's great
- just don't scorch the oil [bring it over 325 degrees]

But the best use for coconut oils is as a body rub oil
- The sensation of a total body rub down with coconut oil is truly exillerating
- by a country mile it's the best sex lubricant on the planet with genuine aphrodesiac properties.

Delta 11 cannabis also a powerful antibiotic and antifungicide.

- A friend of mine after one application on a necrotic dead flesh spider bite made a 4 month old festerring wound heel in 1 week,
This oil offers INSTANT relief for ARTHRITIS.
a good friend uses it on his arthritic knee caps and swears by it. it just attacks the pain and swelling better than any rub on earth

Hope this helps, I'll be making mine when the goods come in.



Well-Known Member
Just to add this in, the FAQ has a few guides on making butter and more for those interested in cooking.


Active Member

So I finally tried this. I soaked more than a eighth in water for awhile. Then I spin dried it in a leaf spinner, after most of the water was out, I let it dry out for a couple of days. Then I put it in a cooking bag, throw it in the oven at 275 for 40 minutes. Came out a nice dark brown color, did give of a smell. Something like cat piss from what I was told. Put it in the freezer for 4 hours. After freezing, I crushed it up using my fingers. Then immeaditly soaked it in 95 percent everclear. Let it sit for a while then put everything in a different jar to steep for a week. What was left in the previous jar was easily over a ml or more. Put some milk in it and drank it. I used bud which was covered in crystals, which gave a good enjoyable high. Needless to say I was feeling it in 5 five minutes after 30 minutes I was stoned. To be honest it felt like shrooms everything was echoing it was a totally diff. high than smoking. I was high for hours with little comedown. But it was a clear high where I know what I was doing, but a little to intense. I guessed I dosed kinda high but now I know. So if I ever decided I want to trip hard I'll just eat some cannabis. Last time I decided to trip hard I ate shrooms for the third time. I thought I was going to die during my ego death- which totally shattered my reality. Was a eye opener to what life really was. I'll never do shrooms again. But yes eating to much cannabis will give you a feeling like you took shrooms. So just be carefull and - Enjoy every minute of life.


Well-Known Member

So I finally tried this. I soaked more than a eighth in water for awhile. Then I spin dried it in a leaf spinner, after most of the water was out, I let it dry out for a couple of days. Then I put it in a cooking bag, throw it in the oven at 275 for 40 minutes. Came out a nice dark brown color, did give of a smell. Something like cat piss from what I was told. Put it in the freezer for 4 hours. After freezing, I crushed it up using my fingers. Then immeaditly soaked it in 95 percent everclear. Let it sit for a while then put everything in a different jar to steep for a week. What was left in the previous jar was easily over a ml or more. Put some milk in it and drank it. I used bud which was covered in crystals, which gave a good enjoyable high. Needless to say I was feeling it in 5 five minutes after 30 minutes I was stoned. To be honest it felt like shrooms everything was echoing it was a totally diff. high than smoking. I was high for hours with little comedown. But it was a clear high where I know what I was doing, but a little to intense. I guessed I dosed kinda high but now I know. So if I ever decided I want to trip hard I'll just eat some cannabis. Last time I decided to trip hard I ate shrooms for the third time. I thought I was going to die during my ego death- which totally shattered my reality. Was a eye opener to what life really was. I'll never do shrooms again. But yes eating to much cannabis will give you a feeling like you took shrooms. So just be carefull and - Enjoy every minute of life.

awesome man.. what do you mean by ego death?? you drop your ego and life is clearer? I really want to try this with some proper crystally bud.. i used leaves.. not very potent obviously.:wall: