For ViRedd


New Member
For the record, and just in case Med is misrepresenting the issue ...

The only reason I put him on ignore is because of his totally negative attitude. In over forty years of dealing with the public, I think I could count on one hand the people I've met with an attitude as rotten and as defeatist as Med's. Poisonous attitudes are nothing more than a reflection of one's self image, life experiences and an attempt to lower others to less than their ability. As far a political debate is concerned, Med is no competition at all. He's a light-weight and an empty suit. That's why he invariably ends up resorting to personal attacks. It's not about winning or losing political debates at all ... I'm done with the guy and his negativism.

Geeze, such a positive response from the Vi monster. Hey pal, I'm thrilled that you are done, but if you are done, why are you posting negative remarks about me. Seems like you are not done besmirching my character. Who made you the resident psycologist, the decider. I think a lot of negativism comes spewing forth from your crud filled mouth. Definently a case of the pot and the kettle if you ask me. Just because I get the best of you in most of our debates doesn't mean you should go away crying, but alas that is what you really are, a crybaby, waaahhhh.


Well-Known Member
wow they both seem to be making themselves wholesome while im sure in both of your angers you saw a little of the other in yourself....


New Member
Using the best ingredients you can find, bake a cake like an expert. But ... right before you finish mixing the cake batter, put a pinch of sand into it. The cake is ruined, right?

Med is the sand in the cake.



New Member
Using the best ingredients you can find, bake a cake like an expert. But ... right before you finish mixing the cake batter, put a pinch of sand into it. The cake is ruined, right?

Med is the sand in the cake.

Here is the guy that was supposed to be through with me, Ha, he was fooling himself. Now he doesn't even bother reading my posts, just casts aspersions in the blind, What a fucking asshole.