For ViRedd


New Member
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, for putting me on Ignore. Your putrifying caustic remarks and ignonimus commie references only tended to make you look like more of an ass than your natural assholiness. You will not be missed by me, BTW the meet in Vegas is definently out. Fuck you.


Active Member
Med, If he put you on ignore he can't read this thread. That means posting it was completely pointless unless your true motive was to alert the rest of the userbase who explores the politics forum. You could even send Vi a private message, but he still can't see it.


New Member
bKonz ...

I can see everyone's posts in all the threads, including this one, except for Med's negative rantings, blatherings and bloviatings. He won't be able to send me PMs either, which means he won't be threatening my life anytime soon again. :blsmoke:

Such a wonderful, positive, world this forum is again. :hump:



Active Member
bKonz ...

I can see everyone's posts in all the threads, including this one, except for Med's negative rantings, blatherings and bloviatings. He won't be able to send me PMs either, which means he won't be threatening my life anytime soon again. :blsmoke:

Such a wonderful, positive, world this forum is again. :hump:

That's exactly what I meant. You can see the thread and the posts within but no post made by med. If I recall correctly it says "Post Ignored" or something to that effect (possibly nothing). :peace:


Well-Known Member
Come on, you guys know you love each other. You two are the only ones keeping the political forum alive at times. You might get lonely if you have each other on ignore. Come on, let's stop this and have a nice group hug:hug:


Well-Known Member
you cant have a rational discussion about politics or culture with these 2 because their idealogy blinds them.....your either a lefty loony commie markist pussy or a right wing nazi warmonger, chickenhawk................its all rhetoric with a small bit of substance mixed in........but with all the childish attacks they spew over and over anything substantial gets lost in the fray..........Just my outside opinion


New Member
you cant have a rational discussion about politics or culture with these 2 because their idealogy blinds them.....your either a lefty loony commie markist pussy or a right wing nazi warmonger, chickenhawk................its all rhetoric with a small bit of substance mixed in........but with all the childish attacks they spew over and over anything substantial gets lost in the fray..........Just my outside opinion
You're nutz on about Med, but totally mistaken about me. :blsmoke:

Merry Xmas ...



Well-Known Member
ahhaaa! this is great... but terible. you too should make up and kiss.. or toke... or. sommat

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
you cant have a rational discussion about politics or culture with these 2 because their idealogy blinds them.....your either a lefty loony commie markist pussy or a right wing nazi warmonger, chickenhawk................its all rhetoric with a small bit of substance mixed in........but with all the childish attacks they spew over and over anything substantial gets lost in the fray..........Just my outside opinion

i'm not sure what to say.. BUT, that's poetry


New Member
Come on, you guys know you love each other. You two are the only ones keeping the political forum alive at times. You might get lonely if you have each other on ignore. Come on, let's stop this and have a nice group hug:hug:
Hey, I didn't put him on Ignore. I guess he can dish it out but can't take it. How about that, the crocodile skined VI has been penetrated. Geeze, it only took me 2 years. Like I said, if he can't see what I've posted, hooray. I can dis him with abandon,~LOL~. The old geezer sure knows how to give an insult though, I may miss the banter, but not the superior attitude.


New Member
you cant have a rational discussion about politics or culture with these 2 because their idealogy blinds them.....your either a lefty loony commie markist pussy or a right wing nazi warmonger, chickenhawk................its all rhetoric with a small bit of substance mixed in........but with all the childish attacks they spew over and over anything substantial gets lost in the fray..........Just my outside opinion

Chickenhawk, Geeze I didn't know VI liked sex with children, but anything wouldn't surprise me,~LOL~.


New Member
For the record, and just in case Med is misrepresenting the issue ...

The only reason I put him on ignore is because of his totally negative attitude. In over forty years of dealing with the public, I think I could count on one hand the people I've met with an attitude as rotten and as defeatist as Med's. Poisonous attitudes are nothing more than a reflection of one's self image, life experiences and an attempt to lower others to less than their ability. As far a political debate is concerned, Med is no competition at all. He's a light-weight and an empty suit. That's why he invariably ends up resorting to personal attacks. It's not about winning or losing political debates at all ... I'm done with the guy and his negativism.
