Forbidden knowdledge


New Member
Take it easy MM... Vi might have a point. I think what hes saying is that we shouldn't have to many assumptions. Its good to ponder notions in a time of crisis(like we are), but don't name call Vi because he's inquisitive about your ideas. We are all on the same side vs the "elites". Just keep that in mind my friend:mrgreen:

We need to concern ourselves with a truth revolution if anything. We need to use our intellect to conclude facts verse different possibilities. For example, we know Bilderburg is a slumber party for the richest and most influential people in the world, but we do not know what they are 'conspiring' or even if they are conspiring at all. We should be more concerned about spreading what knowledge we know for fact to the ignorant sheeple than trying to predict the future with our limited knowledge... Does that make sense?:?

I guess what I'm trying to say is "strength in numbers".


Look We, it's not the questions but the way he asks them. Always with a smug superior intonation., If he would question my posts with valid questions then I may be cordial, but his intentions are far from cordial. So I'd rather just asshole him away as he really doesn't care what I write anyway, he just likes to make smarmy replies. I've been arguing with this brickhead for 2 years and he's always with the smart ass replies, "plastic cheeseburgers", get real. Plus I've noticed a sway towards Vi's side from you. I thouight we saw a lot of things the same way. I can see why he is the way he is, he's rich, but from what I can gather, you're broke, what's up with that?


Well-Known Member
Threre is a lot of info out there that is quite scary. But, being from the south, im not worried, we got guns and shit, Id like to see some mutherfucker try to make me a slave. You guys dont actually beleive that could happen do you? WE ARE THE SILENT MAJORITY, THE SLEEPING BEAST and when the shit hits the fan we will FIGHT AND WIN the next revolutionary war. Its not like the elite will fight, and only ill-informed jackasses will fight for their cause. Im ready for war, are you? This country is sooo fucked up and NO ONE is


Well-Known Member

Its an old battle that gets personal with these two gentlemen.
No right or wrong, just different point of views of the world.
The last thing you want is to get in the middle.

...It's RIUs own Hatfield-McCoy feud :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member

Its an old battle that gets personal with these two gentlemen.
No right or wrong, just different point of views of the world.
The last thing you want is to get in the middle.

...It's RIUs own Hatfield-McCoy feud :mrgreen:

now that was funny:mrgreen:

so whats the deal with these plastic cheesburgers? you guys are makin me hungry


New Member

Its an old battle that gets personal with these two gentlemen.
No right or wrong, just different point of views of the world.
The last thing you want is to get in the middle.

...It's RIUs own Hatfield-McCoy feud :mrgreen:
Boy, you sure aren't lying about the different views of the world, we're about 180* apart. Who's to say who is right? I guess it depends on your situation in life.
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Well-Known Member
the UN sure has gained immense power lately...

you know what's funny? this bullshit reminds me of the movie Equilibrium.

we are the sense offenders. the wealthy people are the stupid drone humans that live senseless lives. and then you have the peace keepers, who go after the sense offenders (us), and destroy their property and arrest them.

they were fair to the sense offenders at first, but eventually they would just kill them once they're caught.


Well-Known Member
Look We, it's not the questions but the way he asks them. Always with a smug superior intonation.
Right, I know.... You know I respect both of you guys. Its just in my nature to keep peace. I guess I didn't see Vi's "a smug superior intonation".. I guess I didn't see a personal attack on you. But you would know better than me.

We do share some of the same views, you and Vi. I'm poised more towards Vi's side/views simply because I lean more towards the conservative views. Politics is very touchy because everyone has had a different life and is adamant on their ideology. I wish everything was even for everyone but some people are just straight lazy and doesn't deserve as much as a savvy hard worker. Thus, I believe in capitalism and not communism.

So, I'm saying that I'm not taking sides because I appreciate both of you on here, sharing your life experiences with us. I have learned a lot from you guys, thanks:mrgreen:

Idk, you guys are entitled to your trivial bitch fights. I just don't like to read about it
(no offense) because I know you guys are better than that. :mrgreen:





New Member
Look asshole, take your petty childish rebuttals elsewhere where they may be appreciated. All you are doing is making your self look like a fool.
Translation: "Vi, would you stop critiquing my posts? My god man, how do you expect me to get across my anti-free market bullshit ideas as believable to the young ones here on the site if you keep interjecting your libertarian logic in simple terms all the time? You see Vi, this is MY ball and bat and if you don't play nice, you're just going to have to stay out of MY sandbox. Please ... stop making me look like a left-wing fool, full of nothing but hateful, envious, collectivist blather."



New Member
Translation: "Vi, would you stop critiquing my posts? My god man, how do you expect me to get across my anti-free market bullshit ideas as believable to the young ones here on the site if you keep interjecting your libertarian logic in simple terms all the time? You see Vi, this is MY ball and bat and if you don't play nice, you're just going to have to stay out of MY sandbox. Please ... stop making me look like a left-wing fool, full of nothing but hateful, envious, collectivist blather."

Can you see the vitriolic juvenile content of the above post. There is much to be said for people that care about others and would like to level the playing field. I just can't abide by the libertarian concept. As far as I can discerne, Libertarians are on the high side of the middle in income, or above. They are "mostly" intelligent people, but are very paranoid about anyone tapping their money supply. I will submit some arguements against libertarianism.


New Member
Can you see the vitriolic juvenile content of the above post. There is much to be said for people that care about others and would like to level the playing field. I just can't abide by the libertarian concept. As far as I can discerne, Libertarians are on the high side of the middle in income, or above. They are "mostly" intelligent people, but are very paranoid about anyone tapping their money supply. I will submit some arguements against libertarianism.
Vitriolic Juvenile Content =

Originally Posted by medicineman
Look asshole, take your petty childish rebuttals elsewhere where they may be appreciated. All you are doing is making your self look like a fool.

Life is an echo, Med ... nothing more, nothing less. :blsmoke:

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New Member
Vitriolic Juvenile Content =

Originally Posted by medicineman
Look asshole, take your petty childish rebuttals elsewhere where they may be appreciated. All you are doing is making your self look like a fool.

Life is an echo, Med ... nothing more, nothing less. :blsmoke:

Hey then "fuck you," do you hear an echo in here?


Well-Known Member
Can we stay on subject a little?

(for some reason I can't link you directly the link to terrorstrom, so look on the left and click where it says "TerrorStorm(Alex Jones)" or just search for "TerrorStorm(Alex Jones)" )

No more fighting and name calling in this thread:mrgreen: If you want to debate with each other than fine, but if you want to have a piss contest than PM each other. Med, stop calling him an asshole and start using your wonderful plethora of eclectic words to have a civil debate with him to prove your point. There are some people on here who I don't agree with most of the time(and I kinda don't like) but I always TRY and debate civilly, because you get your point across better and you don't look like an ass in the process.


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New Member
Can we stay on subject a little?

money as debt - Google Video

No more fighting and name calling in this thread:mrgreen: If you want to debate with each other than fine, but if you want to have a piss contest than PM each other. Med, stop calling him an asshole and start using your wonderful plethora of eclectic words to have a civil debate with him to prove your point. There are some people on here who I don't agree with most of the time(and I kinda don't like) but I always TRY and debate civilly, because you get your point across better and you don't look like an ass in the process.


WTF, you think he isn't dissing me at every opportunity? I really don't like this "guy" and it has become beyond personal. I offered the peace branch to him and he as much as said fuck off. I'd gladly pretend he didn't exist, and really wish he didn't, but to sit idly by and be parsed with his vitriolic banter and let it go unchallenged is way too much to ask. I will gladly stop with the name calling if he will act like an adult.


New Member
WTF, you think he isn't dissing me at every opportunity? I really don't like this "guy" and it has become beyond personal. I offered the peace branch to him and he as much as said fuck off. I'd gladly pretend he didn't exist, and really wish he didn't, but to sit idly by and be parsed with his vitriolic banter and let it go unchallenged is way too much to ask. I will gladly stop with the name calling if he will act like an adult.
Go back through the posts, Med. You consistently throw the first flame. All I'm doing is throwing it back your way. Disagreeing with your ideas isn't "dissing" YOU ... its just rebutting your ideas. That's what political debate is, isn't it? Or, would you like nothing more than a one sided conversation?

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