Force Flowering


Active Member
Well last night my dad found my plant. At first he told me to get rid of it today or he was going to throw it away. I called him today and he asked me how tall it was, how long it's been growin and all that shit so i explained it to him. And he told me to flower it now and i can keep it. So what do i do? Just put it on 12/12 and let it do its thing? or is there more to it?

mr west

Well-Known Member
thats about it in a nutshell, make sure iut dont get any light leek in its dark period. In two weeks you will know what sex it is. Good luck dude.


Well-Known Member
ya, i'm forcing my 22day-old tonight. There's only gonna be 1 light on the side of it. I was thinking of a way to have it rotate/ what do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
lol, ya. i took 2 cuttings from it this morning, it was my first time so i might take some more. I wanna sex the mother(hopefully) plant asap.

mr west

Well-Known Member
its about 1 1/2- 2 t tall. U think i'll get a good yield?
dipends if its a female or not. it will really grow now u changed the light, itll go 4 feet plus lol if its a girl then u might get oz and half off it dipending on strain and that:mrgreen:


Active Member
wow ur dad changed his mind pretty quick. he probably seen that it was growin good and decided he'll steal it once it's done growin

mr west

Well-Known Member
I topped it today too, will it still grow 4+ feet? or will it just get wide? and what should i give it for nutes/water?
in my expieriance which is a couple of sucsessfull grow they tend to double their size wen flowering mostly in the first few weeks. Could u wait a week or so if u just topped them give it a chance to recover?


Active Member
well i'd rather it get wide than tall, because i dont want the tops of the plant stickin out my closet lol. ( i have stuff in front of it blocking the view of plant.)