Forceing early flowering


Well-Known Member
So I have been LSTing my plants(Barny's Farm LSD)since they had 4 sets of leaves. Love the results, will never top again. Anyways, so I picked up some 50 gallon rubbermaid containers and painted them with 3 coats of flat black paint and started covering them up today. I'm doing 12/12 light treatments. Does anyone know how long I will have to continue the treatments for, before they actually will continue flowering without containers being placed over them. 1 or 2 weeks of covering them for 12/12 or longer? Any help would be greatly appreciated. There are still about 15 hours of day length here. I'm during this cause I had to pick last year's crop early cause it turned bitterly cold towards the end of september and the plants had just not finished in time even know they where 7 and 8 week flowering strains. This year I wanna make sure they finish.