Found a plant already flowering!! HELP 911


Hi everyone.
Im a newbie to this site but not necessarily to growing. An avid smoker and a semi educated grower. My husband and I were working outside our shop when he walked past a plant as he walked past it (as he had been doing for the last few months) he commented on how it looked like marijuana.

As he said this I gave it a closer look and lo and behold- it is DEFINITELY marijuana. This is shocking for many reasons. The back of our shop is patted down dirt, an old building was condemned and destroyed back there and now its this empty space. Not only that but we live in the NE of the US. Its fall and with the exception for the last few days its been in the low forties and has even hit the thrities even occasional snow flakes!! and yet this GORGEOUS plant has only ONE leaf with minimal burn.

The plant already has hairs. We could literally cut it and dry and im confident wed have anice batch.

But we dont want to do that, we want to keep it growing. But we don't know ANYTHING about this plant. it was thriving off our shop back wall. AND within 3 -7 inches of the female we found a/the male.

We took a screw driver and basically dug it out without disturbing either roots. We have a hydro system but at this point i am thinking just good ol soil and water??

What to do!?!?!?!?



good soil and water will do better, you dont want to shock it with to much water on a dro system...


Active Member
Your going to be better off just chopping it and drying it. Look up the methods here on how to properly dry it. At this stage in the plants life, the shock from and digging it up and transplating it would halt its growth in the most important stage. It would most likely stop growth all together O.O

Your best bet is to chop her down and smoke it :)
If you are interested in growing then read around this website and do a bit of research/prep work. There alot more to it then stickin a plant in dirt haha! I learned that the hard way =P