Found some plants today


Well-Known Member
So was fishin today, and went on this small mangrove type island. Well walking around it found a little peice of land. After walking around on it, I spotted a little marijuana plant maybe 5 inches tall with some purple bud forming on it. After looking around I saw about 5 more.

They deffently appear to be abanonded 2 are close to dieing, and the rest dont look to good. Buds are very very undeveloped, but yet they look like they are mature buds.

Think I shuold trasplant them and take care of them? Or let them be?

Also on a akward side note, I lost all my seeds today. Not sure how it happened, but I just cant find them. Coinicedence?


Well-Known Member
thats a tough call.....would you want to take someones plants???? or are they anyones??? tough probably snip a branch and take it home....


Well-Known Member
shud go back n take a few cuttings. then that way if the owners do eventually return they will still have plants.... ide be tempted to take them all lol...


Well-Known Member
Plants flower in the spring, as well as in the fall. Thats how they are flowering.

It really dosnt appear to be anyones plants, and they are to small to take any cuttings from. Its just like a stretched stem with bud and some leaves surrounding it.

I dont know if they are wild, but been having some nasty low temperatures lately, and they are living on a saltwater mangrove island... some strong ass plants.


Well-Known Member
Well if you don't take care of them it doesn't seem like anyone else will.

I was fishing one day and stumbled across 6 very healthy almost fully mature plants one fall. I let them be but they were all about 6-7 feet tall and beautiful! I sat and admired them for a little bit and went on my way. On my way back to my truck there was some guy that seemed to be a weirdo who walked right by me n the opposite direction. I said hi but he didn't say anything or even look at me.

P.S. how in the hell did you lose your seeds??


Active Member
Losing seeds is shitty, but to replace them with plants only 5-6 inches tall and budding is unusual, unless they're very stunted. If your not living somewhere very warm, i would suspect these plants to fail to stess and the elements.
I wouldn't take them, but maybe take a cutting or two and see what they turn out to be. My guess, not much -- best bet is to find some more seeds.


New Member
rule of thumb is to take a cutting or two to let the owner know they were discovered, but dont take them all. just my opinion..


Active Member
I'd say take as much is neccesary to keep the plant alive, because obviously if they were planted on purpose, no one has bothered to take care of them. Probably just seeds from someone picking apart their weed.


Well-Known Member
Never mind the plants, what fish were you after? Did you have any luck? Bait fishing or lure fishing?


Well-Known Member
Do it take them home and put them under flouros 24/7 untill the light outside increases and who knows maybe you will end up with some nice plants.. if they are someones plants there not gonna get anything out of them anyway so u might as well take them and try and produe some nice buds.


Well-Known Member
About taking a cutting, like I have said there arent any side branches to do so. There is literally no way possible to take a cutting lol, its just the bud, with the leaves surround the bud, no other leafs are present.

They deffently appear to just be seeds that someone through, while smoking on this mystical island. And I do not think the strains are actually purple, after further reviewing, I think its becuase of the cold temperatures lately that they have turned purple. However these babies have survived some harsh conditions, so I think I may decide to transplant them into some Foxfarm oceans forest, with worms castings and perlite, and see what they do = )

I plan on transplanting tomorow or thursday, ill let you know how they are. If I see traces of someone being there and watering them or something, ill just let them be.

Random Haze

Active Member
i would say its fate if you lost your seeds and you found "wild" plants growing the same day.... transplant those bitches(literally) ASAP... try to keep the 12/12 cycle similar to the natural environment... pretty much try not to disrupt the cycle too much if your moving them from on location to another.

Pics would be cool if u can... im cameraless :(