Fox Farm Nute Question....


Well-Known Member
Your plants will likely need some of the nutrients found in the grow bottle, that are not found in the others. After the big veg stage it doesn't need as much nitrogen, and I believe less can also help it make the switch to flowering. But to keep the building blocks of life building they still need some of the nutes in the Grow Big, just not as much, and it also gets phased out again. Without the additional nitrogen you will end up with yellowing leaves as the plant taps its reserves and sucks what it has stored up out of the fan leaves.

Follow the schedule, but of course don't use as much as they say.


Well-Known Member
Seems wierd but I guess it would depend on strain as some flower longer than others, for Indicas I wouldnt think adding any nutes in week 7 & 8 would be that good.


Well-Known Member
yeah. they also act like one doesn't need to flush. but I think everyone who is using these types of nutrients learns that it is a must, eventually.


Well-Known Member
Yup, thats one reason I stick to organic nothin beats the taste of well grown organic bud, not to mention the ease of growing that it provides.


Well-Known Member
I thought Fox Farm was organic??? I usually go another week for the flush, although, the unflushed plants have not been that bad....... Ok back to the veg nutes after being in flower for a month..... In passed grows i disregarded the 7&8 week of the schedule and just continued with flower nutes in those weeks.... i am starting to show some sighs of yellowing though..... The yellowing is starting at the tips of the leaves and spearding.... Here are some pics, i couldnt move themaround they are sleeping now and just wanted to snap some shots, they look yellower than they really are......


