Fox Farm nutes: More than the reccommended?


Hey guys, my plants are about 23 days into flower, I've got them in 3 gallon pots (4 of them) and they seem to be doing really well, no sign of nute burn or anything. I've ramped them up to pretty much the full dosage of what the feed charts say, but I'm curious if people go over? Obviously don't want to burn my plants, but would the extra food boost bud? Is there certain nutes that are better to give more than others?

Right now they are on 1tsb GrowBig, 2 tsb Tiger, 1 tbl BigBloom, 1/2 tsp Beastie per gallon


Mr.Therapy Man 2

Active Member
One thing Ive learned in 30 years of growing is you cant hurry plants flowering,you will get nute lock and fuck up your yeild and potency.Same goes with overwatering,it will stop a plant from uptakeing nutes and stunt the hell out of your gals


Well-Known Member
3 gallon pots are pretty small, you'll likely kill them going over recommended dosage. I'd err on the side of caution and give them less, the small amount of soil is probably oversaturated with nutes already, and may get a salt buildup as well. Plants can only use so much in the way of food, adding more (if it doesnt kill them) won't help


Sounds good, I started them off with a really weak mixture and have worked up to just under the recommended, so I'll keep doing what I'm doing!

While on the topic, is it worth it to transplant to a 5 gallon from a 3 gallon?
Appreciate the advice guys


Well-Known Member
Depends on the room you have, I would and if size is an issue, keep em topped/FIMMED or LSTed