Freaking rediculous Salvia?


So, I haven't smoked weed in almost 9 months, just for the hell of it. One day, out of the hell of it, I decided to smoke some salvia. I've done just about every drug in the book, but got bored of all that stuff, and just moved on with life and put other real priorities first.

So I went around going from convenience store to convenience store asking to see their salvia, because I remember how much fake stuff there used to be, and I knew only headshops sold legitimately real stuff, but they were all closed at this hour. I finally came across one store, where the owner waited till the other customer left the store, and took me into the back part of his store, where he keeps all his bongs, etc. and showed me a package that was labeled as some regular "legal herb bullshit". He told me that it was just packaged like that so he'd be able to sell it, but he promised me that it was legitimate salvia, and that I would not be disappointed.

Me, having every dangerous, illegal, hilarious, interesting, whacky scenario I've ever been involed in always originates around the idea "it seemed like a good idea at the time" decided to give it a shot. I took it home and sprinkled it onto a piece of paper. Right away when I looked at it, it looked like a pipe of dried leaves and sticks that smelled like vanilla, and I figured that I got ripped off... I packed a huge fat bowl anyway, considering that I spent money on it, and that I might as well smoke it, and lit it with a jet lighter, as I would have with Salvia.

I cleared the bowl in one monstrous hit and held it in, realizing how easy and smooth it was to smoke, it couldn't have been salvia. When I finally breathed it out, nothing happened and I didn't feel any different, so I decided to pack another (don't asky why, cause I didn't really know what I was doing). Right after packing the second bowl, I know I was completely and insanely fucked so I lied down.

My thought process went insanely fucked, but I never lost track of reality, unlike real salvia, where it feels like you're just in a whole new universe, and everything you've experienced before that point didn't exist. My body was convulsing, eyes were twitching and heart was racing, I was actually convinced that I was going to die, and that on the news you'd see some headline like "Man overdoses smoking insanely large amount of unknown drug he bought at corner store" or something along those lines, but my mind was exploring places I could not have ever imagined of explained.

At first I felt worried, but then I had the feeling that no other person has ever, and will never experience what I was going through, so I lost the urge to fight it. After apparently what was about an hour, my brother, his friend and a close friend of mine were standing over me, pouring water on me, and slowly helping my drink some water. After that I immediately threw up and was dry heaving for about another hour.

Of all the drugs I have ever done, that felt like it was the most intense, fucked and scariest thing I have ever done. It lasted way to long to be salvia, and I am almost positive if my brother or friend didn't find me, I would have died. I'm curious as to what the hell that could have been.
That's the website that was on the package, and the only ingredients were:
potpourri, dry leaves, and flower extract :roll:

I live in Canada, and picked this up at a local Hasty Market, a chain of convenience stores.


Well-Known Member
You had an experience similar to my brothers! I`ll link you up on the warning I sent on Toke N Talk :D I talked to my brother at a time where I tried a combination of Mdma+K+N2O+Weed and he insisted his experience was more intense and he was talking about it and it sounded something like a DMT or K hole experience. It was a legal blend called Black Mamba. They contain a blend of whatever chemicals around and theres no knowing what you smoked but do give my brothers experience a a read here.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like Jwh possibly...
I agree... Is salvia illegal where you're at in canada? I don't know much about canada. I just know salvia became illegal here in Florida and most of the US a few years ago. Now at all the headshops, the legal herb stuff is just plant material mixed with some JWH. If it didn't hit you quickly, and it lasted as long as you said it did, it doesn't seem to be salvia. All my salvia trips were pretty much over in 10 minutes at the most. With some after effects for maybe another 10. And the peak was always directly after 2-3 hits. Sometimes just one. But like I said, I don't know much about canada. It could be anything. Doesn't seem like salvia though.