• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Free marc emery!!

Brick Top

New Member
Marc has ripped a few people off, this is true. However no one deserves the shit he's being thrown, especially not for advocating the use of a beneficial herb, pricktop just seems to have a breeder complex, in that he hates them, were all basement pollen slingers, for the sake of this thread I'd recommend u just put him on ur ignore list or hell sit here all day spewing arrogance, as ccording to him its his "best feature. I have no doubts.
I called, not in support of him, simply cause no-one deserves that treatment for something that shouldn't be a crime in the first place
It is evident that you are in serious need of reading comprehension classes. I never commented on if I believe that what Marc Emery has been put through was excessive or not.

I only stated the obvious, that with the very large number of people that Marc Emery ripped off, and it was a very large number of people and not just a few as you so incorrectly stated it, that it will be difficult for many to feel any degree of real sympathy for the man and coming to the very people he targeted and would have continued to target for his scam for support and help is is beyond absurd. So is others trying to raise support for him considering that the very people they are asking for help would have instead been targets for Marc Emery's scam had he not been busted.

If you fail to see that is a neutral comment in regards to his case than as I said, you are in serious need of reading comprehension classes. It is not a neutral comment about Marc Emery though. The man hid behind a mask of being a wonderful activist while at the same time he ripped off the people he claimed he wanted to help. I have wondered over the years if Marc Emery's true hope for weed to become legal was so he could then sell far more seeds and rip off far more people like us, just as he had been doing previous to being taken down.

Brick Top

New Member
He is one man, doing all he can to legalize the crop. What have you done with your life? I never got burnt by Marc as most people who dealt with Marc know the interent was VERY different 8 years back...remember dial up? Interent security wasnt shit, and if the feds watched what you did...you got fucked.Not a hard thing to wrap your lil mind around. He put his own neck out to help others who medically needed it...obtain strain. How have you helped the movement?

Where have I been all my life? Here on planet earth but it is evident that either you were not here too, or possibly not here for as long as I have been and not as involved as I have been for as long .. or maybe you just stuck your head in the sand and refused to see what you did not want to see.

Check out a few things said about him back in 2003 and later in 2005. The first one clearly says what could rightly be said about the person who started this thread, well, maybe who started both threads about Marc Emery ... I say maybe because I did not check to see who started the other ... but if it was someone else everyone can rest assured that it was not a coincidence that the two threads were started about Marc Emery.

Re: Marc Emery
[Re: BOBs]
#1767790 - 08/01/03 01:06 AM (6 years, 10 months ago)
Quick Reply
oh man. I think its so funny he basically has his own little publicity ring which glorifies him.

edit; he obviously need's it.

Re: Marc Emery
[Re: kief]
#1763599 - 07/30/03 07:19 PM (6 years, 10 months ago)
Quick Reply
He charges for F2 ripoffs of other people's genetics for more than what you can get f1 origionals for from the breeder, or way more than what you can get F2s for from other distributors.

If you want to make a real contribution, buy your seeds from someone else, then donate $100 to a real reform group.

Re: Marc Emery
[Re: TheHobbit]
#1762243 - 07/30/03 10:59 AM (6 years, 10 months ago)
Quick Reply
"Cost-wise, $300 for top shelf seeds really isn't that bad as long as they're feminized (which is what the really expensive ones usually are) and you don't fuck up the grow;"

as many have said marc emery is a rip off, and 300$ for seeds you can buy for 150 or less elsewhere is a total ripoff. but people buy fromh im because they dont know any better.
its a known fact he charges 2x's more for seeds then other sites...

Re: Marc Emery
[Re: PDU]
#1754672 - 07/28/03 03:51 AM (6 years, 10 months ago)
Quick Reply
I have heard a lot of negative reports from others about his business practices (ie. ripping off seed orders, sending inferior seeds, stealing genetics from breeders) My guess without any first hand knowledge is he's probably solely concerned with his own well being.

Re: Marc Emery
[Re: cherokee]
#1754487 - 07/28/03 01:54 AM (6 years, 10 months ago)
Quick Reply
he sucks don't ever buy seeds from him he rips people off selling them schwag seeds or nothing at all! read about him on overgrow.

Re: Marc Emery
[Re: PDU]
#1754425 - 07/28/03 01:24 AM (6 years, 10 months ago)
Quick Reply
I hate him because he capatalizes off of marijuana. He sells some seeds for $300. From a plant that grows in the ground.

Re: Marc Emery
[Re: PDU]
#1754166 - 07/27/03 11:10 PM (6 years, 10 months ago)
Quick Reply
I think he does what he does just as publicity stunts to promote his business. Things happen that he had nothing to do with, and people give him credit for it. For some reason some people think he has helped with the decriminalization of marijuana. I can't really see how anything he has done could have resulted in that.


Posts: n/a

my emery had seeds selling for most unreal prices,,,

a g-note for one seed ,, a filing cabinet filled with ziplock big bags, and rediculously priced seeds,, sold individually,,,

at that time i figured him out,,, bought elsewhere,,, he wasnt the only seed seller in vancouver,,,


Buffalo Bill
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We americans do not to have anything to do with the child abusing, rip off artist. He should not go to jail for selling seeds, but karma has a strange way of working out. Perhaps, he should pay for screwing all of those 13 year old girls/groupies that he has had worshiping him for free weed or whatever, for years! My $.02 worth....
Life is Good!

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THARS A PROBLEM HERE: people from bc and western canada had business dealings with the conman and thief known as m.s. emery long before he started his boogus seedbank. this is where you could buy dutch and other premium seeds for the same price as in europe. me stated that he made no money on the transactions. we bought several thousand dollars of dutch passion seeds from his seedbank and grew up ragweed. this was fer compassion clubs and medical mj people in bc and alberta. i then contacted dutch passion only to learn that they had never heard of m.s. emery; nor had any of several other seedbanks that he claimed to have seeds from.
dutch passion sent us premium seeds FREE so that we could deliver the mj to the people in need. he is lucky to be still alive. then came the bust which made him a martyr; with his gift of "the gab", poor me was the slogan.

he stated in writing that he had donated 400,000 dollars to the medical communities. this figure is now stated as 4,000,000. he moved from bc, 1 step ahead of the hells angel's who wanted to speak with him and settled in a "protective" enviroment in ontario. because of the media and his own magazine promotions; he is now "the prince of pot". well, let the americans support him if they wish because very few BC'ers want him back nor would give a thin dime fer him. you can make yer own choices as to what he really is now, maybe he really is a spokesman now due to karma. i just dont trust him nor would i ever give him a penny more.
back from the dungeon and well behaved.......honest

Pay attention to this one:

Marco Renda
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Alison I am speaking of my own personal court battles. I was offered assistance for my current charges as when I first got charged Marc still hadn't been arrested.

As a matter of fact when I got busted for sending 3 exemptees FREE MMJ I asked Marc for help and he refused to help me so I never again asked for his assistance and I never will even if I am in dire straights!

Take Care and Peace

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alison; you said it yerself, my dear. you already "HAD MEDIA COVERAGE" so mse just jumped onto your bandwagon to get the credit and cost him 10 ripped off medical seed buys. i salute your mission, my friend but i'd squat over marc.

and my computer hiccup caused the duplicate post, no sweat, i deleted 1.

p.s. i hate that expression: marc DONATED. you cant donate money that doesnt exist - why do you think he is up on laundering money charges? he had no income, neither did al capone. we, the medical and mj community DONATED our money to the causes.

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Personally I do not particularly like Mr. Emery.
The man made and lost millions of dollars.
He screwed up with some south american land (or some other
foreign land) deals and he lost his shirt.

His seed prices were ALWAYS way to high.
He made his money and talked a good game when he was in trouble.
Now he wants people to send him donations for his defense.
What is wrong with his own cash?
Would he send you or I money to help with our defense.
I do not think so.

Just my opinion.

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He does not represent the medical mj community at all - all he represents is himself.

That emeroid is nothing more than a PITA.

He or someone at his co ratted out a prostate cancer patient who bought seed from him & his co.

My good friend died from being busted & from a lack of meds due to his information being released
by Emeroid & co.
It was in the court disclosure documents where they got the information.
The charges were dropped because he died.

My dear friend isn't the only one he did this to. Emeroid & co fed the police

just enough info so they'd look the other way so they could stay in business.

I have no use for people who use others to get ahead. He walked on the

backs of those most in need.

Nuff said.



Well-Known Member
Wow, solitary confinement for supporting a plant.
no he got put in the hole for writing a letter that supported breaking the law. that is a no-no in most prisons. its in the handbook they give you prison issue gear. he broke the rules he went to the hole boo fucking hoo. atleast they let him keep his clothes and phone privledges.

i really don't think he should be in jail in the first place he broke no law in his country. blame canada, they pussed out and bent over for the DEA

Brick Top

New Member
Here is another old message telling some about Marc Emery's business practices ... and this person was far more kind than many were in regards to Marc 'Ripoff King' Emery.

Have now read the article referenced by DWW and done some research to try and learn why someone would go to such lengths to print lies. Much of what I hear from various sources, especially those in Canada and Amsterdam, feel as I do after reading it…..that Emery needs to be exposed for what he really is, then it should be very clear to those who read such an article why this Emery finds the need to ‘attempt’ a smear of Gypsy’s good name in the industry.

In order to prove Emery’s motives, one only needs to look at some facts. So I decided to put down a few things for the growing public to see that was quite easily obtainable….this is all about Emery’s lust for gouging growers and trying to discredit someone in order to make himself receive increased orders (sales) and publicity…it’s all about business folks, plain and simple.

When someone such as Emery and his minion place an article full of lies on the net for anyone to read, then the right to expose the invalidity of the article and motives behind writing and placing it there are necessary so that growers can clearly see it for what it is, a cheap smear campaign backed by Emery.

I've included some info below which will compare the prices of two companies, Emery & Gypsy Nirvana.

But first, a bit of background:

Number of seeds per pack: 10 across the board, in re-packed baggies, not in original breeder packs containing the proper amount packed by the breeder (eg. Sensi Seeds, Serious Seeds, The Flying Dutchmen) = EMERY (His explanation of this found on another website doesn't hold water.)

Number of seeds per pack: Whatever comes from the breeder in the orig breeder pack, varies per breeder, some 10, 11, 12, 15, and 15+ = Gypsy Nirvana

Ships in breeder packs: Emery = NO
Ships in breeder packs: Gypsy = YES

Gives away free seeds to get more growers growing: Emery = NO
Gives away as many free seeds as he sells to get more growers growing: Gypsy = YES

Sells F2’s as F1 orig stock: Emery = YES *further clarification provided below
Sells F2’s as F1 orig stock: Gypsy = NO

Sells seeds at the recommended breeder pricing: Emery = NO
Sells seeds at the recommended breeder pricing: Gypsy = YES

Ships to USA/Worldwide: YES for both, and that creates a problem for Emery to get away with charging what he does, thus the need to strike out against Gypsy any way he can.

Now it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out why Emery stoops to the lowest of low to place in print an article dissing Gypsy. No such person ever interviewed Gypsy at his shop, or anywhere else for that matter. It has been reported to me from those who live in, and are a part of, the Canadian canna scene, that the author of that article has done so under a pseudo name and is allegedly someone who used to write for Emery before and has come back onboard with him, shame on Pete Brady. This Brady wanker has actually lied to others I’ve spoken with stating he was on the Morocco trip with Gypsy, simply not true, there was only Gypsy, 2 cameramen, Big Al (Soma’s son-in-law), theiban (icmag Spanish forum moderator) and a Moroccan guide….no, Pete Brady was not there but he likes to claim he was to inflate his ego. I met Pete Brady, once, in September 2003 at a cannabis trade show held in Germany...I was NOT impressed with this individual or his biased form of journalism.

Emery has taken growers on his self-serving monetary ride long enough. Time to put some facts together and expose this shyster…I hate to see growers ripped off, and this guy seems to do it, then flaunt it as being ‘justly done for the cause’! Money is hard to come by these days, especially for so many medicinal users, and when there is this much difference it just plain sucks! What in the hell would make someone charge those astronomically ridiculously inflated prices, and not even ship in a breeder pack? Obviously someone who thinks it more important to rip off growers than to help them. But even more disturbing is the FACT that Emery does not ship in sealed breeder packs….WHY?….so he can gouge growers by charging those ridiculous prices and providing them with F2’s. Yes, that’s correct…F2’s sold as F1 originals in packs of 10 (Sensi Seeds are 15 per pack with some varieties such as Indoor Mix are even MORE than 15)! So if he was selling the F1 breeder version which comes in a sealed breeder package, why break a pack of 15 to sell 10? That clearly makes the authenticity of the seeds questionable when they do not come in the sealed pack created by the breeder/seed co. He doesn’t even include the ‘empty’ breeder pack if repackaging was in fact necessary for whatever shipping method is used. (more on this below *)

This post is all about pointing out the depths of someone’s conduct in the canna scene, someone who ‘claims’ and ‘proclaims’ to be a cannabis philanthropist! Emery is an egomaniac, narcissist, lying, thieving, scheming, lowest of low dirt bag that needs to be exposed for the person he is. To cap it all Emery has threatened to Narc (go tell LEO) on customers that question his modus operandi and a certain breeder that used to make seeds for him for demanding payment of seeds sold to Emery.

So let’s see how it all adds up shall we?

EMERY prices ~versus~ the recommended breeders’ prices charged by Gypsy Nirvana.
(Taken straight from Emery’s own website) versus prices taken from the Seedsdirect.to site

*It should be noted that Emery lists his prices in Canadian Dollars, so I’ve converted each amount listed in Canadian Dollars (cad) using www.xe.com to obtain the comparable USD price. Below is just a BRIEF example of his gouging growers. Surely anyone can see the commercial threat Gypsy poses to this moron, thus Emery’s desperate attempts to defame Gypsy any which way he can.

Odly enough I found a post by Emery where he urged anyone to contact the Dutch seed co's...so I contacted one and guess what??????

****Stupersonic is NOT back in stock as is displayed in Emery’s online ‘catalogue’. (noted in the chart) Just spoke to Tony from Sagarmatha and he has no Stupersonic, hasn’t had any available for retail (or supplier needs) for over 6 months, and doesn’t expect to have Stupersonic back in stock again till the end of the summer. So Emery cannot possibly have them ‘Back In Stock’ unless they are more of Emery’s F2’s misrepresented as original Sagarmatha stock. When speaking with Tony today it was also learned that he had a problem with Emery previously selling ‘knock offs’ (f2’s) misrepresented as original Sagarmatha stock. I wouldn’t be surprised to see Tony come down HARD on this wanker and request ALL Sagarmatha stock be removed from his website because as Tony said, there is no assurance to the purchaser that they are actually receiving original Sagarmatha stock, especially given Emery’s previous misrepresentation of Tony’s stock and not supplying his stock in original breeder packs. According to Tony, there has not even been a recent order placed with him by Emery….so anything being offered by Emery of Sag’s is in question. This is but just ONE instance of Emery’s misrepresentation of original genetics.

Serious Seeds are also 15 seeds per pack. Serious Seeds are normally packaged in plastic vials and affixed to a yellow card for over the counter retail purposes. However, through Gypsy’s arrangement with Serious Seeds, Simon places them in a plastic baggie along with a small Serious Seeds tag denoting the Serious Seeds batch control number then heat seals the baggie shut. So before Emery tries to convince anyone that removing the seeds from the vial is necessary for his shipping purposes just want to point out that IF he was a credible seed bank he’d only have to ask Simon (a VERY nice and accommodating fellow) to do the same type of heat sealed baggie packs for him, but, that would mean Emery would have to send all 15 seeds not 10 like he does.

**There is a VERY reputable breeder who, prior to branching out on his own, was contracted by Emery to produce F2’s of MOST EVERY DUTCH strain. This breeder was provided with F1 seeds from the Dutch seed companies by Emery and was told to mass-produce F2’s for him. Due to this being relayed in confidence I can not and will not divulge the identity of this breeder…but hopefully he will, at some point in the future, be willing to tell all about this himself. Heck, he’s not the only one to do this, there are several Canadian growers who still do nothing but grow F2’s for Emery of already established known breeders work…why would Emery need all those F2’s of the Dutch varieties offered by companies such as Sensi if he wasn’t selling them and misrepresenting them as F1 stock? (Must be why he sells Sensi in packs of 10…cause we all KNOW Sensi is a minimum of 15 seeds per breeder pack. One only has to visit Sensi’s own website to obtain that info!) Other seed banks in Canada have no problem receiving seeds from abroad in breeder packaging, only Emery seems to try and fool others into believing he must receive them in corrugated packaging....just another lie and attempt to fool the unknowing newbies that stumble upon his site.

I welcome Emery to come here and attempt to defend himself against what is clearly proved by just simply doing as I did and compare the prices. Don’t take my word for it, go to his site…I urge you to…then go to Gypsy’s site, and also go to the specific breeder’s own website and make your own comparison, you’ll arrive at the same place I did. And that is the whole problem, as anyone can plainly see, and explains the motive for the article, most likely co-authored (if not completely written) by himself and Pete Brady, cause no one interviewed Gypsy. Anyone who has met Gypsy knows the things said are just simply not Gypsy’s comments…clearly lies. I also welcome Pete Brady to come here and denounce his involvement with that article, because the word coming out of Canada has certainly implicated him plenty.

This whole issue is a dig at Gypsy because of his success in getting more growers growing, as well as the fact that IC Magazine has now posed a major threat on Emery’s CC rag. Everyday, every week, every month, every year Gypsy gives away more free seeds in his quest to get more people growing their own than this shyster Emery sells. This is something that their biased crock of lies article doesn’t even point out. Every person who comes to the shop in Amsterdam, without fail, leaves with a free pack of seeds, so this article writer seems to have conveniently even left that part out, (for one thing shows no one came to the shop at all as was stated!) of course, it didn’t go along with the writers’ scheme of things, that scheme being an attempt to discredit the good name and character of Gypsy Nirvana.

I have never previously given much time to looking into the history of this Emery person, but my eyes have been opened quite wide after speaking to several who know him personally, have had and still have direct business dealings with him, have been at parties with him, live in the same area…..for example, evidently it’s common knowledge up in Canada (and perhaps elsewhere?) about his association with NAMBLA magazine? Never heard of it but do you know what that magazine is? It is a magazine sold to Pedophiles…evidently stands for North American Man Boy Lovers Association! So when Emery boasts about funding legal battles could it be that it is for sick stuff like this? Sexual preference amoung 2 consenting adults is one thing…but I have NO TOLERANCE for those who have anything whatsoever to do with the sale, distribution, or personal use of magazines (or sexual behaviour) involving CHILDREN! Nuff Said!

It also seems as though many folks are a bit afraid to tell what all they actually know about Emery due to his threats of Narc’ing on them. He seems to operate in those Canadian circles through fear and intimidation. The person he portrays himself to be to the general public is not quite the real picture, far from it.

In doing various research on different websites, I came across the pic below. My compliments to the person (whoever you are) that created this and posted it up elsewhere, just had to bring it here! this little bit really cought me. Last edited by xjo; 07-16-2005 at 12:00 AM..

Brick Top

New Member

If Marc Emery was such a magnanimous munificent philanthropist and human being why did people bother going to the trouble to make things like the above?

Brick Top

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Hi All I'm steve I worked with marc emery for 10 year and chris clay in his early days, I have left the movment about 7 months ago due to some off the assholes marc has around him for god knows what reason like david malmo lavien (DML) he likes to make freinds with knowen pedophiles and rip off the poorest poeple in our comunities...I would love to still goto rallie but that asshole speaks at all the rallies he in BC, and he makes me puk...he sits there talkin about harmreduction and being nice to people when he is very harmfull and far from nice to people..
I am now banned from the pot-tv.net forms like many others that were in our party for speaking up...and not being one of DML's little sheep...
So as long as that asshole is speakin at our local rallies I can no longer support the movment or even ask others to...for it is just full of crooks like DML

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Norman Edward Caouette is pedophile who molested my daughter as well as other children and David Malmo Levine hangs out with him and helps him to evade the police.


Well-Known Member
that could be his competition or people that don't like him personaly.

i've never dealt with him so i can't say either way, but he made tons of money now he has to do a little time. i'd gladly do his two years for all the money he made

Brick Top

New Member
that could be his competition or people that don't like him personaly.

If someone does not know something then it is not a bad thing to give someone the benefit of the doubt but it is just ignorant to refuse to accept facts. There was not a smear campaign against Marc Emery. That was one of his tactics, something he did, something he relied on.

This is really going to offend a number of people here but it is the truth ... this place is Romper Room .. its filled with kids and newbies who sadly do not have a clue about many things and Marc Emery is just one more things they know nothing at all about. So a Marc Emery propagandist or two or more comes here and two threads about Marc Emery are started and the propagandists attempt to do their best to pull the wool over members eyes by saying things like Marc Emery is being kept in solitary confinement because he supports a plant.

The propagandists ignored the near endless list of negative things about Marc Emery and are attempting to make him out to be the only victim and are expecting Marc Emery's old victims to now support him. That is unless the propagandists checked out this site and figured it is filled with bubble-gummers who would never know the truth about Marc Emery and maybe they could garner some support here by lying and saying someone like 'you,' a kind helpful loving generous man is languishing away in prison, stuck away in solitary confinement .... all for supporting a plant.

Yep, if he were alive today you can be sure that Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels would be damn proud of the job the Marc Emery propagandists are attempting to do.

Brick Top

New Member
no he got put in the hole for writing a letter that supported breaking the law. that is a no-no in most prisons. its in the handbook they give you prison issue gear. he broke the rules he went to the hole boo fucking hoo. atleast they let him keep his clothes and phone privledges.

i really don't think he should be in jail in the first place he broke no law in his country. blame canada, they pussed out and bent over for the DEA
My only personal comment on Marc Emery is to say that I do agree with the above portion that is bold and underlined.

Maybe rather than arrest him the wiser and simpler thing would have been to let him remain free and sooner or later his own clientele would have lynched Marc Emery and then he would have been out of the hair of both governments.