FREE pipe #3


Well-Known Member
Morning suckas!!!! MY free pipe is getting sent out today...where's YOURS??!??!??!??

I've been telling ya'll...get CrAzY!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Haha! look at this dumbass, that's crazy!


Well-Known Member
I think more pipes have been broken getting out of the car, forgetting it was on your lap, than by any other breaking method.

I'm responsible for more than a couple...Any my lady takes the cake, averaging about a pipe a month broken, and half the time it's from getting out of the car while it's on her lap...

My conclusion, don't put your pipe on your lap while driving in the car? Naw, that'll never stick.....


Active Member
FDD, are you just waiting for someone to say "Pretty Please"??
I will...Pretty Please just give it to Kmksrh21.
(that smartphone comment made me laugh for 2 pages)

kether noir

Well-Known Member
ive gone now ive stopped. how about i win and i will give you some string cheese and peanuts from my peanut tree. deal?

if i ask nicely? pretty please with cherries.....i will treat it like a glass like family member, that likes to be sucked on, not that i have that kinda experience. but she will be taken care of
i can swear to pics.