Free Ritas Water Ice.


Well-Known Member
My brother just got back with 12 fucking water ices.I got about a gallon of green apple water ice now lol.I know all you pot heads are hitting this up.
He said there was about 500 people out there.I didn't think they were gonna do it today,I think they did it yesterday to idk.
Did anyone else come up with some free water ice from this?
Gotta love the spring.


Well-Known Member
Nevermind the free day was yesterday.He said he just saved it,I dont know how he did that.
That sucks I was about to send his ass back out for more.

And yes Water ice is fucking great right now.No other flavors are fucking with green apple.


Well-Known Member
Yall gotta be fucking with me if you dont know what water ice is.
Where do you live?Afghanistan?

Worm I know you had some of this down the Wild Wood boardwalk.That polish water ice is so good.I wish they opened a chain of it all around instead of just the boardwalk.


Well-Known Member
Nah its not ice cream.You guys are missing out.Its so good especially when your high.Did you ever have one of them freeze pop things?Its like that but so much better.
I guess its just an east coast US thing.


Well-Known Member
I never heard of it either.
Like a snow cone?
Damn I didn't know water ice was this exclusive to around here.

Yea it is pretty much like a snow cone but way better and its softer its not really ice.You's gotta try some.
It is up there in the best munchy snacks


Well-Known Member
i never heard of it either... and i grew up east coast.
forzen yogurt, dippin dots, italian ice,snow cones, the difference between a frappe and a milkshake, i all know.
never heard of water ice. looks good tho


Well-Known Member
i never heard of it either... and i grew up east coast.
forzen yogurt, dippin dots, italian ice,snow cones, the difference between a frappe and a milkshake, i all know.
never heard of water ice. looks good tho
This has got to be exclusive to PA and NJ then.
It is pretty much italian ice but better when you get it from Ritas.
The only time I seen it called italian ice was when it was the Rosaties or however you spell it brand.Thats good to.If you's ever go to the Wild Wood boardwalk in NJ make sure to stop and get a free sample of the Polish water ice its the best I ever had.


I must live in afganastan then :) never heard of it.

Looks good though, is it kinda like frozen yogurt or sherbert? I went to town on a half gallon of rainbow (lime, orange and lemon) sherbert while baked a few nights ago. Damn I couldnt put the spoon down!

yeah, must be a regional thing, I loved my Faygo pop when I lived in MI now that im down south no one even knows what Faygo is :/


Well-Known Member
I must live in afganastan then :) never heard of it.

Looks good though, is it kinda like frozen yogurt or sherbert? I went to town on a half gallon of rainbow (lime, orange and lemon) sherbert while baked a few nights ago. Damn I couldnt put the spoon down!

yeah, must be a regional thing, I loved my Faygo pop when I lived in MI now that im down south no one even knows what Faygo is :/
Its way better then sherbert.I feel bad for you's now lol.Your missing out on so much.


that sucks because it sounds like something id love to try. I love fruity tangy creamy frozen stuff like that!


Well-Known Member
wtf man, posting good shit only in your area and bragging! im only a state away and never heard of it, but damn, i want some!


Well-Known Member
wtf man, posting good shit only in your area and bragging! im only a state away and never heard of it, but damn, i want some!
lol I honestly thought water ice was a worldwide thing.I never would of guessed only PA/NJ has it.hahahaha I guess im just lucky I live in PA.Well if you's didn't know Ritas Water Ice gives it out for free every year on the first day of spring.