Free To Talk about and Gain growing Knowledge!!!

Fucking smashed bro! had a thought before of firing this baby up... Gonna chuck some new shit in daily... ILY AK47!
seeing as this is also a knowledge thread, i shall post a pic of the white fly eggs i found, i will sort them out tomorrow no worries, just thought i'd let you guys see what they look like, i have had these i the past, and if you let the grow into a family, they can and will eradicate entire branches, and eat the leaves and leave bacteria, which can grow fungus and mould, not good as you can imagine. i use a pyrethrum fogger as it kills the eggs, any sort of drenching method seems to be useless with white flies if you just miss 1. the fogger will deplete the air of oxygen, and immobilize them on impact, and make the eggs useless

they are indeed, hey i just bought a glass bong from ozbongs, the piece is a sg18 size cone piece, that hole will be too big without a screen right??