Freeway Pics


Well-Known Member
they look cool, but for me personally, the freeway is the center of attention, with not alot going on in the back or fore ground. I like the ones like these where its in the middle of a city with buildings and a few odd peoples ghost trailing on the sidewalk or whatever. if that first one had a dimmer headlight or farther away headlight(the car on the same road as you) it would be my favorite after your avatar. Try like standing infront of an exit sign or a city name sign with all the trailing lights being the background, and less of the center of attention. I like the skinny one of the tree also, but it would look cooler if it was darker, or at like sunrise/ sunset maybe. keep up the good work!


Active Member
I agree with macdady, you should try and get more visual depth. Do you do any post work? What type of lens? How long have you been shooting with the k1000? Sorry for all the questions, I'm a photo nerd so to speak. I've had my k1000 for about 3 years and its served me well.


Active Member
i used a k1000 for 2 years of high school.... Nice pics with such a feature-less camera...

get out there on a clear day at dusk and shoot towards the downtown skyline...


Well-Known Member
Way cooler than mine. Plus my camera was in desparate need of a cleaning. +rep
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hmm. well ur first problem is takin the pic while in a moving car =D
since its impossible to hold ur hand steady, and even if u put the cam on the dash the car bounces around, the pic almost always comes out blurry. if u use a tripod and take pics of things moving by, it works a lot better. just keep the camera real steady, otherwise stationary things go blurry.
try it out! experiment a bunch

I agree with macdady, you should try and get more visual depth. Do you do any post work? What type of lens? How long have you been shooting with the k1000? Sorry for all the questions, I'm a photo nerd so to speak. I've had my k1000 for about 3 years and its served me well.
sorry, what do u mean by post work?
ive got a few lenses:
-macro 1:3.5-4.8 f= 35-70mm (think i used this for these pics)
-zoom 1:3.9 f=80-200mm
-cant figure out the third one haha

i got the camera in high school for photo class

Is this on the 101 Near Echo Park?
nope. california though

i used a k1000 for 2 years of high school.... Nice pics with such a feature-less camera...

get out there on a clear day at dusk and shoot towards the downtown skyline...
i used this camera in high school too. my mom found it for 100 bucks on ebay. came with 3 lenses and a bag. i was just bored that night and went out shooting. didnt even realize it was all cloudy lol


Well-Known Member
cool pics man, im gonna go out sometime this week and try some freeway/bridge shots. +rep


Well-Known Member
Shot on a disposable Kodak. Scanned in at a high DPI. Edited in Photoshop. Graded in Lightroom.

It's all in the composition (and editing, imho) No need for a fancy camera to take great shots. But I will say, I do have a DSLR and love it and it was worth every penny; so don't think I'm knocking those who buy nice cameras.




Well-Known Member
One more. Shot on my DSLR on I-90 in Nebraska. Had to pull over because of 60MPH winds and bad storms. Busted out the camera:



Well-Known Member
Shot on a disposable Kodak. Scanned in at a high DPI. Edited in Photoshop. Graded in Lightroom.

It's all in the composition (and editing, imho) No need for a fancy camera to take great shots. But I will say, I do have a DSLR and love it and it was worth every penny; so don't think I'm knocking those who buy nice cameras.

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for sure. fancy cameras arent necessary, but they do make it a lot easier. i love using film, but sometimes i hate it haha

that waterfall pic is sweet

One more. Shot on my DSLR on I-90 in Nebraska. Had to pull over because of 60MPH winds and bad storms. Busted out the camera:

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i wish i had lightning where i live. we MAYBE get it for a few hours per year =/