Fresh Chop


Well-Known Member
Nice work! Looks like you got the max out of your set up on those plants. The plants look full thick buds. Have you experimented with bulbs? What did you use on the 400 watter? Strain? How far was the light from the plant to get that much penetration? Curious...


Well-Known Member
10 oz wet i am assuming, so like 2-3 dry. not bad for 2 plants. nice looking bud
I've done this before,,,I know what 6 ounces looked like last time,,,these buds are so dense and heavy,,,I think I'm gettin 8-10,,when dry,,,:hump:


Well-Known Member
Nice work! Looks like you got the max out of your set up on those plants. The plants look full thick buds. Have you experimented with bulbs? What did you use on the 400 watter? Strain? How far was the light from the plant to get that much penetration? Curious...
thxs Relaxed,,,I did experiment with bulbs by accident,,,I had a Son T Agro 430 watt hps,,but during setup it broke,,,so I used an old 400 from my first grow,,,and it actually produced better sized buds than last time,,strain is Chronic Mass,,or Chronic something,,,light was always a foot from the plants,,,,and pruning bottom growth from the plant is essential in a small area,,,which is why I'm going a lil bigger,,next time,,,,,thxs again,,,,and hope this helps


Active Member
Kind of airy and puny...maybe an oz. Just kidding.....Looks delicious.I'm betting 6-8 oz's..maybe more. Good work...enjoy!


Well-Known Member
10 oz please you'll get 1/2 oz easily off of that, probably only an 8th. Joking, those look beautiful I think I just busted a nut.


Well-Known Member
hey everyone,,,here is the count,,outta a 2 by 2 foot by 6 foot high cool tube 400 watt cab,,,I got close to 7 ounces of awesome gooey weed offa 2 plants under 3 feet tall,,,,it takes 8 1.5 litre jars to contain it all,,,it hung for a good 10 days and the smoke is fruity and very smoothe,,it is a long very sedated buzz,,,,and totally takes any pain away within minutes after lighting,,,,,,I will burp the jars twice a day for as long as it takes to keep it fresh but also as to not let any mold set in,,,hope all is growing good with everyone,,,,,I'm going to get high,,,,,

