From seed to weed the auto ak47


Well-Known Member
Awww man seeing those plants is makine me a sad panda. They look fucking amazing. Mine ive had to take most of the leaves off and the buds look nowhere near as nice or developed or crystally. I wonder what went wrong :S


Well-Known Member
i got them at the guy told me he sells the auto strains to attitude but he was not stealthy at all!!! i asked him to number the bags as 1 and 2 because i got the auto greatwhite and the white russian and to have no inconspicuous material in and he sent them them with the cards of each strain and with a big bud picture!! i got soo pissed off then i wanted the feminized ak searched for a different site but no luck only seedsman had them so i decided to go again with him he canceled my order because he said he was afraid of fraud and that he doesnt send to the same person until first payment is cleared what bullshit so a couple of days later i got them from attitude when they were back in stock i think attitude has the great white too!! the plagron bat mix from what i know is organic!! hope i didnt jack your thread here sir!!!! i apologize if i did!!! your pictures look really good and healthy with dense buds!!!! congrats!!! would you be thinking of trying to have one plant organic next time so we could compare to the chemical ferst results and see which is better when comparing!!! organic will save alot of hassle down the run and i think it has a better result in taste and if you are good yield too!!! it would be nice seeing such a comparison though if you were interested!!!! again things look great bro keep up the real work +rep


Well-Known Member
Today I put them on 12/12 to let them finish out this way for future grow reference. Hopefully they like it.

Dp did you start your own journal? Or if not post some pics i want to see the difference.


Well-Known Member
Today I put them on 12/12 to let them finish out this way for future grow reference. Hopefully they like it.

Dp did you start your own journal? Or if not post some pics i want to see the difference.

I dont wanna :(

This yellowing w/e the fuck it was ruined the grow, the plants still produced buds but nothing like yours


Well-Known Member
I dont wanna :(

This yellowing w/e the fuck it was ruined the grow, the plants still produced buds but nothing like yours
Oh that sucks dog, probably was the ph. I am investing into a ph pen for the next grow. Cause i think my buds could have been bigger.

Also another thing the branch that got busted off by my light. I was taking the buds off of it, into a jar to cure and seen 1 huge calyxes well I decided to squeeze it and out popped a green seed. Then I found one more. Not sure where they came from but I hope my whole crop is not loaded with them.


Well-Known Member
Oh that sucks dog, probably was the ph. I am investing into a ph pen for the next grow. Cause i think my buds could have been bigger.

Also another thing the branch that got busted off by my light. I was taking the buds off of it, into a jar to cure and seen 1 huge calyxes well I decided to squeeze it and out popped a green seed. Then I found one more. Not sure where they came from but I hope my whole crop is not loaded with them.

Worryingly i think mine might have the same. Ive had a good check and there are no male flowers at all, but when i stole a little bud for a pre harvest test (i was desperate) i saw what could of been pre formed seeds.

I hope its down to the genetics of the Auto Ak if so.

Whas your grow completely light proof and did you have anything that could of stressed it bad?


Well-Known Member
dp so yours ended up a yellow mess also? I think it might just be the strain its to easy to mess up or something ph is a big factor I guess. I want to invest in one of those pens as well.


Well-Known Member
dp so yours ended up a yellow mess also? I think it might just be the strain its to easy to mess up or something ph is a big factor I guess. I want to invest in one of those pens as well.

Prity much, i will still harvest some nice bud of it but no were near as nice as dans.

I have learnt a lot tho from this gro so hopefully my WW grow will be sickkkkk.

The problems could of been anything, i was using tap water which wasnt PHed (a big factor).

The soil wasnt a great brand, i messed with the lighting to much. Loads of things which wont happen next time.


Well-Known Member
Prity much, i will still harvest some nice bud of it but no were near as nice as dans.

I have learnt a lot tho from this gro so hopefully my WW grow will be sickkkkk.

The problems could of been anything, i was using tap water which wasnt PHed (a big factor).

The soil wasnt a great brand, i messed with the lighting to much. Loads of things which wont happen next time.
Yea every grow for me I tend to learn new things. As I am sure most ppl do. Usually I fill my gallon milk containers full of water 3-4 days before i need to water. With open tops to evaporate chlorine and adjust ph. But with my family being over and the holidays I just did not have time to be prefilling. Which was a big mistake for me and some of my plants will suffer from my mistakes. Oh well at least I should still have a decent amount of bud seeded or not. I have heard ph can make your plants hermi which may have been the case for the seeds in my plant. But I have no clue where the pollen sack is. Oh well i can hope for the best.

Where did you get your WW seeds from?


Well-Known Member
So I think I think I may have found some more seeds only like 3-4 if anyone can tell from the first 5 pics if they look like seeds. Not to worried cause I inspected the rest of them and they look fine.

Pictures six and on are from the plant that got topped from my light. I am smoking it tonight and it is very nice lung expanding, clear high. Probably cause has a lot of clear trich's. Can't wait till she is done and properly cured cause the taste is great too. Pretty rough on the intake though. No seeds on this plant either yay!



Well-Known Member
When i am actually cooling the tube 6 inch lol. Too cold here so I use it for heat. I just have a lil cheap 4inch clip fan strapped to it to keep the hot air off the bulb and going into the room I try to keep the room about 75 degrees but sometimes it drops to 60 with light off.

My next grow im not going to use much nutes think I over did it a lot with the ph. But some of them loved what I gave them. Can't wait to order a Ph Pen.


Well-Known Member
When i am actually cooling the tube 6 inch lol. Too cold here so I use it for heat. I just have a lil cheap 4inch clip fan strapped to it to keep the hot air off the bulb and going into the room I try to keep the room about 75 degrees but sometimes it drops to 60 with light off.

My next grow im not going to use much nutes think I over did it a lot with the ph. But some of them loved what I gave them. Can't wait to order a Ph Pen.
urmm you pH the water before you add nutes not after....if thats what ya ment ^^


Well-Known Member
why not buy spa water?? it has a ph of six and some good minerals in it!!! i buy a bottle for like 0,7 euro and im hassle free from the water point of view!!!