Frost and lots of rain coming should i harvest at week 7?


Well-Known Member
been raining for a week straight and its not gonna get much better this plant is in its 7th week of flowering, temps will be 32 or lower in 2 days with steady rain. Should i harvest ?



Well-Known Member
No! you can fight it for another week! get some clear plastic wrap and some pvc and get to work! for 4 weeks i had to get up early to tend 12 beasts outside (we harvested 12+lbs) to put covers over plants in the middle of the night before school, we had plants that had survived 18 degrees for 2 days in a row with highs being 35ish, clear plastic wrap will keep them dry, warmer, and still managing to grow enough to finish.

if not just pulle early and have yourself some head changing bud :P


Well-Known Member
if you can let it go ,you lost too many already.I pulled most of mine right before the rain,should have waited,already had lots of mold,black,brown and white.Plus found 4 laying down after tied and tied to keep them from falling allover the place.Have 1 lsd left and waiting.


Well-Known Member
7 days later exactly one week. 53 days so far. strain is Early Girl..7-8 week strain. No amber trich's yet mostly cloudy, i want to chop on the Oct 20th because of the weather.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
if i were in your boat, i`d scope the trichs as you are and chop just before the weather hits... its all you can do really, well done too they look great, outdoor in ireland this year was a complete disaster, very poor yeilds if any as the weather was shit all summer....


Well-Known Member
thank you. Ill keep on checking the trich's. Ive heard the horrors of growing outdoors in Ireland, sound like it may just be worst then the East coast, usa.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
just a bit hahahaha...

hope you get them in time, the last few days of waiting outdoor are killer, as the weather can flip so quick and there not always easy to get too...