Frost help!!


Active Member
Ok, my biggest fears have come true... For the next two nights the lows will be 32 degrees with patchy frost. As i have learned from reading thru this forum that Frost=Dead plants.
To try and save my babies, i cut 2liter soda bottles in half and put them on top off all 8 of my plants.
And as extra protection i laid burlap over them all. Is it alright if i have the bottles and the burlap over them for a whole 2 days?? As i wont be bale to get back there until the.
Also, the new growth coming out is a sort of redish purple tinge??? Maybe genetics?( it was mexican brick shwagg seeds lol)

I need to know ASAP if this method would work or else i gotta think of something quick.



Well-Known Member
Why the burlap over the 2 litre bottles ?

Take the 2 litre bottles off & cut slots in them so the plants dont cook in the sun,make the slots near the top so heat can escape & a few slots on the sides for cool air to flow in,as long as it dont get too hot where your at you'll be ok for 2 days but ditch the burlap.


Well-Known Member
Frost stays low...get the plants off the ground...(if in pot's) I left some out last thursday. It was just below 0......the're fine.


Active Member
Maybe i was exadurating the Schwagg part... And i put the burlap on jsut as extra protection... I guess i need to go hiking....damn. Also, theyre in a swampy area with alot of mud, idk if that would make a difference as far as for the frost hurting them.


Well-Known Member
just cover them in straw or hay that is enough to save a plant from frost, and won't hurt them if you leave it on for a few days they will just grow out of the pile.