fruiting/vegging same time..


Well-Known Member
I am using a seed from my buddies diesel plant and I am busy so turning the lights on and off at the right times is sometimes a problem. ( I have a timer but went to shit and grow shrooms, Mary is just fun to watch so not buying another for now,) I digress.. the thing is I sometimes have the lights on for 18 hours and 12 hours other days, does that meen I am fruiting/vegging at the same time? and is that a bad thing? Its just a plant I grow in my room in a box under two CFL's and a fan, it has a decent amount of white hairs on it too, does that meen its good?

da dankies


Well-Known Member
Cannabis needs 12 hours of light for each and every photoperiod to continue flowering. More than 12 hours of light destroys the flowering hormones (it takes 7 to 10 days for flowering hormones to build up inside the plant so that flowering is induced).
So every time you give it less than 12 hours of pitch darkness it resets the plant to vegging mode.
Worst case scenario is that your plant will turn into a hermaphrodite and seed up, giving you very little to smoke, if any at all.
If it is a very forgiving strain of cannabis it will be okay (meaning the roller coaster ride you're putting it through will have less chance of turning it into a hermie), but you'll not get much in the way of usable bud until you spend the $9 on a timer (so it can be allowed to flower non-stop until harvest).
If you're just growing it to watch it grow, then don't worry about it.
If you want smokable bud, you need to give it 12 hours of darkness each and every day until it is ready to harvest.


Well-Known Member
I understand thanks alot. never knew about it destroying the hotmoes. does it matter if it has a lot of white hairs or no? As I said idk much about bud, just mushies.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Mushies don't even need light. Growing srooms is a whole lot harder than MJ but weed takes a lot longer. You should be able to figure it out ust read a lil.


Well-Known Member
I misspelled hormones ("hotmoes": I am stoned, and my fingers are not cooperating) bongsmilie
The hairs are pistils, which at least shows you that, so far, it is indeed a female plant.

Keep a very close eye on any flowering sites as it grows. You can pinch off males flowers to somewhat protect the female flowers from being pollinated, just make sure to not handle the plant until you've washed your hands after removing males flowers.

But 12/12 on a timer is the best route to go, and make sure that it's protected from exposure to all light while the CFL's are off. Even small pinholes of light can induce hermaphroditism. And more than a minute or two of light during the 12 hour darkness period can cause stress and induce hermaphroditism or stop flowering and revert the plant to a vegetative state.


Well-Known Member
actually most cannabis strains will continue to flower with anything less than 14 hours of light per day, note that they will flower significantly slower than a plant on a 12/12 schedule. you can also sustain flowering at as little as 8 hours of light per day, but it is not recommended.


Well-Known Member
what does that mean???
Well someone stated 24/0 like that was at least the standard or best way to go when it is quite not. 18/6 is the most common and it goes up as high as 24/0 which is at the furthest end of the whole time range thingy