Fucked up my foot. You ever do something this dumb?


Well-Known Member
Oh how we could smoke up some good buds and talk about that all night bro.

Kinda think Joe Rogan said it best....we are mold.
Yeah *frequency detect* lol

Sadly I don`t have any buds... I`m no regular user but tonight its very cheeky bumps of Ket in the Library toilet :D Think they are looking at what I`m typing right now? mwahaha


Well-Known Member
Oh gee thanks.....what i really wanted to hear.......birth control!!!

It would be for my daughter.Feel bad for her.13 got here fast!
oh your daughter has acne? at 13, i would try topicals (adapalene) but if she hits 15 and can't take it, birth control pills with a 3rd/4th generation progestin help big time. dont take the 1st/2nd gen though, those make it worse. i recommend ortho-lo or desogen type. Yaz has a similar composition to spironolactone and it helps big time but it is also higher incident of blood clots that's why i say try one of the others first. it will help. likely she will grow out of it before 15 anyway! i should work at the clinic, i know a lot about pills.


Well-Known Member
Yeah *frequency detect* lol

Sadly I don`t have any buds... I`m no regular user but tonight its very cheeky bumps of Ket in the Library toilet :D Think they are looking at what I`m typing right now? mwahaha

I can picture you....standin up on the toilet..bump...bump.

Besides...you know your not aloud to smoke in the library!Bump...bump.


Well-Known Member
oh your daughter has acne? at 13, i would try topicals (adapalene) but if she hits 15 and can't take it, birth control pills with a 3rd/4th generation progestin help big time. dont take the 1st/2nd gen though, those make it worse. i recommend ortho-lo or desogen type. Yaz has a similar composition to spironolactone and it helps big time but it is also higher incident of blood clots that's why i say try one of the others first. it will help. likely she will grow out of it before 15 anyway! i should work at the clinic, i know a lot about pills.
Lol....you got me writing down shit like crazy over here

Hoping it's just with her age and what her body is goin through.Thank you so much for the info.


Well-Known Member
Lol....you got me writing down shit like crazy over here

Hoping it's just with her age and what her body is goin through.Thank you so much for the info.
happy to help. ive been through it and unfortunately i went to doctors who didn't know how to control hormonal acne. finally i read and learned myself. since, i haven't had any pimples. :)


Well-Known Member

I can picture you....standin up on the toilet..bump...bump.

Besides...you know your not aloud to smoke in the library!Bump...bump.
Sounds from the toilet:

*hush hush*

*clink clink* (keys)


*snif snif*


I decided to go get a coffe and go outside a bit after doing 2 biggens. Problem was, I haven`t got a coffee from one of those machines for like a year and this was a different one. It took me a while to get that done it was hillarious lol

But the uni library is pretty dead on a summer break at midnight :D


Well-Known Member
You are more man than i.....

Coffee from a vending machine......YUUUUUK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As long as we don't hear

*hush hush*




Well-Known Member
ROFL!! I hope not :D

I`m copying Tuco from breaking bad while bumping.

"Owhhhhhh tight!!! t...t...tigh tighttt! yeaaa!!!"


robert 14617

Well-Known Member
urca my wife is a nurse and she is a bit concerned about your circulation if you are able to rub the skin off your foot without feeling it