Fucking Bats


Well-Known Member
+ u can get their shits and add 'em to the soil....... just "hug" them with the whole power of your hand above the soil :D


Well-Known Member
Well sorry to keep everyone waiting...lol...this post has more hits than I ever imagined. After the post for 3 or 4 days everytime I went to my room the bat would come out and fly around and I would sway at it with my broom with no success...lol....finally about a week ago it started flying in a real specific pattern right by me. I swung on it 5 or 6 times and it always pulls up just before I hit it...then I got the bright Idea to choke up on my broom so the point of impact was higher than it and i intended and BOOM....knocked the little bastard down. Unfortunetly it landed behind my hot water heater and I tried to get it in stomping distance and it flew to the nearest block wall and started hanging. So me being wicked freaked out by this thing I just sat in watched it. After 5 minute stand off or so this thing picked its head up looked around then turned right side up and walked up the wall dragging its litte wings into a hole around my floor! FREAKY!!! I was always under the impression they flew or hung and nothing in between...lol....i left the basement and went to work....since that day there has been no more sitings....i dont know if maybe the impact latered killed it or if I scared it enough to go away...either way I am happy....Just sprouted 10 g13 norhtern lights x skunk one(fem) and 5 free g13 power skunk from the attitude and have a northern lights 5 weeks in flower so all is good in my neighborhood..... LETS GROW


Active Member
dude you freaked out so much. all you had to do is go into the room during the day let the bat freak for a while let it cool down and get settled. have some big ass thick gloves on hand then go and grab it. Easy. But remember BIG ASS THICK GLOVES. Well if you dont have that... make a net...

Problem solved. Also lucky for you if you had any bug problems down there, well now they are gone.