fucking computer viruses


Well-Known Member
i was tryingto et left 4 dead bootleg and got a steam patch to play online and now i have a fuckd up virus embedded in my os and backup that sprouts like 10 new trojansa day this is fucked i have 1.5 terrabyte hd space so it will take forever to reset it up not to mention the 400g of musioc and shit i might lose

i dont get why poeople take the time to make viruses unless it is from the companyies who make the shit i like to pirate

anyway im just rantnig looks like a new install of windows is coming saoon ;(:cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss:

copying my music to a different hard drive says it will take about an hour to copy it all.....then on to movies and games ...... gonn a be a long night


that sucks man.,.

left 4 dead is a fucking awesome game

but thats what you get for being a cheap bastard ;-)


Well-Known Member
yeah im too poor to buy azll the gam,es i play i bought fallout3 spore tf2 and the nwn2 xpack cant keep up this habit with all my othrs ;)

i should be able to save my non viral downloadss i think


New Member
i feel you man i dl a game the other day and it turned out to be a pron bomb or wahtever the hell you call it, installaed a bunch of gay porn on my desktop and shit so i had to do a system restore and he virus knew i was trying to kill it so it tried to stop me