Fucking Pissed =[


Well-Known Member
Everytime I try growing with CFL's I get to the first node then the damm seedling just starts groiwing so slow and feels dry what could this be I mean c' mon everytime I've tried =[


Well-Known Member
Everytime I try growing with CFL's I get to the first node then the damm seedling just starts groiwing so slow and feels dry what could this be I mean c' mon everytime I've tried =[

keep cfl's four inches from the top of the plants

make sure your water is PH balanced to 5.5-5.8

Make sure you use the cleanest water available

make sure you don't over nute, if using soil from fox farm, you don't need to nute for the first month at least, if using hydro, use only 1/4 to 1/2 strength nutes on baby plants, work your way up to full dosage every water change

make sure temps in growing area is 72-85 if using co2 78-90

make sure temp of water is no colder than 65degrees and no hotter than 82 degrees

do not point fans directly on plants EVER!

do not fiddle with plants until strong and healthy

water plants when soil is dry (take a wooden toothpick and stab the soil, pull out and see if it is wet, if not water!)

if using soil, do not compact the soil, just pour it into the pot
if using hydro make sure you have enough air bubbles, go overboard on air stones, the more the happier your plants Water can only hold about 8 parts per million (mg/liter) or 0.0008% at 68 degrees F

thats all i can think of, plus im eating....


Well-Known Member
Ok well I do have a fan pointing directly on the plant and the thin stem moves back in fourth in the breeze. Also I do not PH the water I just use it from the tap, I'm trying to make this as simple as possible. The soil is old but it seemed to grow pretty good until this certain point just like all the other plants they get a few inches and maybe around the second node then they just seem to stay tiny and never get anywhere..


I'm using 2x 23w 1600 Lumens CFL's At this point..

I would expect that should be enough for the seedling to get bigger ?

Then I'm going to add:
6x 42w CFL's

When it actually looks like it's growing




Well-Known Member
Also I have the 2 CFL's on the seedling an inch from the top of the plant.

I heard you don't want the CFL's more then 2 inches above.



Well-Known Member
How old are they when they die? Bad bacteria from various types of pets can kill seedlings. CFLs are great don't give up. I am experimenting with growing a single AK47 with 1 CFL it's growing faster because it's sitting much closer to the lamp.

Try to throw up a picture it'll be most helpful

Edit: I was writing this while you wrote more information, you have enough light and I have fans blowing on my seedlings and it's never killed them.


Well-Known Member
OK I'll get a pic soon..

And should I put the 2 CFL's 4 inches above the plant like the first guy said ?




Well-Known Member
keep cfl's four inches from the top of the plants

make sure your water is PH balanced to 5.5-5.8

Make sure you use the cleanest water available

make sure you don't over nute, if using soil from fox farm, you don't need to nute for the first month at least, if using hydro, use only 1/4 to 1/2 strength nutes on baby plants, work your way up to full dosage every water change

make sure temps in growing area is 72-85 if using co2 78-90

make sure temp of water is no colder than 65degrees and no hotter than 82 degrees

do not point fans directly on plants EVER!

do not fiddle with plants until strong and healthy

water plants when soil is dry (take a wooden toothpick and stab the soil, pull out and see if it is wet, if not water!)

if using soil, do not compact the soil, just pour it into the pot
if using hydro make sure you have enough air bubbles, go overboard on air stones, the more the happier your plants Water can only hold about 8 parts per million (mg/liter) or 0.0008% at 68 degrees F

thats all i can think of, plus im eating....
ph in the 5's is for hydro when in soil ph between 6.2 - 6.8, it is ok to blow a fan directly on your plants i have done it forever. ( on a high speed ) As long as the fan removes the heat above the top of the plant you should be good since you are using cfl's + the wind will make your stems stronger and fatter. The soil is not a cookie no need for a toothpick, use your finger or water when pots feel light. Also make sure you dont use nutes until the plant is at least 4 or 5 nodes tall. and make sure your soil has good aieration by adding some perlite


Well-Known Member
OK I'll get a pic soon..

And should I put the 2 CFL's 4 inches above the plant like the first guy said ?


I think the CFL Crew guys would say 2" I've place 1" away but tend my garden 2-4 times a day, that's why people are saying 4" because if you miss a day or 2 your plants will grow 2 close and burn.


Active Member
It could be your soil or your water, ph is an important factor and if you want to make things easier id get a soil tester. Your water could be very high in the ph scale and could damage/destroy your sensitive seedlings. My water at home has a ph of 7.2 before nuts so that would be high for plants....invest the $$ it will save in the long run.


Well-Known Member
you know the very best way, the natural way.

get your seedling germinated and into soil. next get you clfs around 1 or 2 inch from plant. you will need too check them ever day and night so you can adjust lighting so they dont burn.

dont place seedling in a little cup etc etc get a pot around 8-10 inches fill with soil. dont get soil with added ferts in it. just basic soil.now place in seedling and give some water. soak the soil a little and pick up pot, feel it getting heavy ? good keep adding alittle more water until you see it dripping, Note i said dripping !!. now once stopped dripping set the pot down in something too catch the run off.

now stick it under lights try and give it roughly 18 hours light and a few hours dark. remember too keep checking once twice a day making sure lights dont get too close too seedling. pick up pot every two or three days, notice the marked diffrence in weight from last time. cool she needs some water now.

water. im lazy so i take a 1 litre well known bottled water, empty as usual. i then fill this half full and leave too stand for 24 hrs this removes most of the stuff we dont need. just before i water my plants i give the bottle a damn good shake puts some air back into water and will take it down too roots.

thats it simple and basic, treat them mean they love it, and in the end you get whats in the picture, i have LST'd my plant and have it under 2x 20w 2700k cfl.




Well-Known Member
if your using water strait from tha tap you need to let it sit out for like 24 hrs to let tha chlorine evaporate especially if your not going to ph'n, it which you really should man, you can get a ph test kit for like 6 bones its worth the investment and is essential for the long haul