Funky Leafs


Well-Known Member
I have no idea which photo is the 5th photo. The 5th seems to me to be a long line of red pots. WTF?


Well-Known Member
I was counting five pictures in from the start of the thread. I see it now though, those are some fucked up leaves, lol.

I don't know. My GUESS is some kind of micro-nutrient deficiency. Silicon or Molybdenum. Either an actual shortage of those nutrients or your PH is off and is not allowing those nutes to be used. You need an expert. Try to find the Garden Knowm.

Do some reading on Silicon and Molybdenum.


Active Member
No, I use Distilled. But I have tested it before and it was fine. Turning on the 400HPS today. Will see how they look in the next few days.