Fusarium Wilt Caused by the US Government

Ethnobotanical Crisis as the US Government Attempts to Utilize Biowarfare to Unwisely Combat the War on Drugs
Scott Herron
Economic Botany Leaflet, 2000
The United States government has granted the US Department of Agriculture $23 million to develop pathogenic fungi to be used as biological control agents to eradicate the narcotic drug market of coca, opium poppy, and marijuana. The attempt to win the war on drugs with countries like Colombia in South America is noble, but America's current tactics are downright dangerous and counterproductive.
i read somewhere about the wilt being gmo from the govt. with love LOL .. shit i can't remember where i read it though. but the shit is next to impossible to get rid of, walls, floors, fucking everywhere and bleach won't kill it either.

i'll try to find that article/post

Bleach will sterilize and protect against any fungal growth in water or nutrient mix in reservoir. If it's airborne it will only affect sick plants from my experience.
Why the sudden 180 from eradicate to legilize? Could it be that the herb is more toxic than therapeutic these days?

Please stop your own elaboration for your own good. You clearly only have other peoples opinions and don't have patience to read up to create your own. Good luck! I'm out! :eyesmoke:
Mass casualties occurred in the Soviet Unionin the 1930s and 1940s when Fusarium-contaminated wheat flour was baked into bread, causing alimentary toxic aleukia with a 60% mortality rate. Symptoms began with abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, and prostration, and within days, fever, chills, myalgias and bone marrow depression with granulocytopenia and secondary sepsisoccurred. Further symptoms included pharyngeal or laryngeal ulceration and diffuse bleeding into the skin (petechiae and ecchymoses), melena, bloody diarrhea, hematuria, hematemesis, epistaxis, vaginal bleeding, pancytopenia and gastrointestinalulceration. Fusarium sporotrichoidescontamination was found in affected grain in 1932, spurring research for medical purposes and for use in biological warfare. The active ingredient was found to be trichothecene T-2 mycotoxin, and it was produced in quantity and weaponized prior to the passage of the Biological Weapons Convention in 1972. The Soviets were accused of using the agent, dubbed "yellow rain", to cause 6,300 deaths in Laos, Kampuchea, and Afghanistan between 1975 and 1981.[9][10] The "biological warfare agent" was later purported to be merely bee feces,[11][12] but the issue remains disputed