g00sEgg's first outdoor grow a.k.a Garded of Weeden


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone.
I don't know if anyone remembers me but last year around this time i started an indoor grow with sweet purple that was pretty successful.
Now, I have my outdoor garden going. Right now i just have 2 sweet purple babies out there...all day all night. I plan on ordering some seeds to try out some new strains...but still don't know what im gonna do(any suggestions?).
I also have some seeds from some really good buds i've picked up over the last year...so we'll see how those do as well. I will get pic's up right after the next time i check on them...probably later today.
Advice is appreciated!
Thanks in advance to everyone that helps me out.



Well-Known Member
So...good news is they're growing. Bad news is it looks like they're stretching. Maybe i should move them...but i planted them directly in the ground so it will be a pain. I don't know if they're not getting enough "direct" sunlight or what...but they're for sure stretching. Any opinions? It's only been like 3 days.. so could they be ok?

Thnx in advance for the help!