G13 armogeddon, red deisel, hollands hope


Well-Known Member
heres my Hollands hope, its been a month now from seedling, I think its lagging, but I think your HH will turn out like this I think,, and this HH is growing little leaves where the stem and the fan leaves meet, its only been a month, do you think t these leaves are there cause its going to branch out???
ya when my hollands hope was little it did the same thing but it worked it self out heres a pic of it now.



Active Member
He bwinn, thanks for replying, I appreciate it, by the way did you holland hope have little leaves coming out inbetween the stem and the fan leave stem at a young age, what does this mean, does it mean those leaves are just a sign of it going to branch out, or a early sign of something else, ill appreciate your reply thanks...


Well-Known Member
yeah I think its gonna turn out that way, I guess its gonna be a bushy plant right, like yours, thanks Bro,
no problem anytime. and it stays pretty compact the side branchs dont really branch out to much like the g13 does. good to see another hollands hope grower:peace: have you ever smoked it?


Well-Known Member
redzIfi i just realized your growing out doors lol. hollands hope outdoors gets huge i cant wait to see that plant when its budding.


Active Member
Na bro, this is going to be my first time blazin this one, if its going to be a female which I really hope it is, u know, if you blazed HH how is it?


Active Member
well yeah its been a month now but its only 5-6 inches tall, Im hopping it grows as tall as me, but right now its lagging smagging, I hope its just the strain which takes a while to gain hieght, how tall is yours indo...


New Member
thank you bongspit its much better then my first grow thats for shore lol. im gonna have to take a trip tennessee and smoke you up some time. do you like growing in hydro or soil best? ive been thinking of doing a hydro grow at some point.
hydro takes up more room and there is a lot more work involved, flushing might not sound like a big deal, but mine held 18 gallons. And thats to heavy to move around and when you flush 18 gallons is a bunch of water and that was 2 plants...I found with hydro if there is a problem...things get bad quick and usually do not recover...


Well-Known Member
hydro takes up more room and there is a lot more work involved, flushing might not sound like a big deal, but mine held 18 gallons. And thats to heavy to move around and when you flush 18 gallons is a bunch of water and that was 2 plants...I found with hydro if there is a problem...things get bad quick and usually do not recover...
good point i never thought of the room it takes up lol. thanks bongspit plus i love my soil.


Well-Known Member
well yeah its been a month now but its only 5-6 inches tall, Im hopping it grows as tall as me, but right now its lagging smagging, I hope its just the strain which takes a while to gain hieght, how tall is yours indo...
ya mine was growing slow to but it picks up in flowering. dont worrie im shore you will be a very happy man come harvest time lol.


Well-Known Member
bwinn last night i was flying and looking at your pics and i realized that you are the christmas tree bud champ, lol i continued to be impress nice grow


Well-Known Member
looks good bwinn how it goin? I have been away alot and its always fun to see progress after a few days they look beautiful!!!i want spring to be here this is geting annoying. Hope you are well chat with ya soon


Active Member
Everything still looks champion, been a while since i dropped by just thought id admire your work and ask how long left? Keep up the good work and good growin to ya
