Games you're looking forward to.


Well-Known Member
I cant wait till they release Gears Of War 2. Ill never play halo or cod4 again come november. And as much as i hate to admit it i cant wait for the new world of warcraft expansion.:neutral:


Well-Known Member
I have just been mainly using my 360 to play baseball but now with GOW2 and a new COD plus a new UFC game im back into gaming again. Im thinking about picking up a psp for crisis core and god of war.


Well-Known Member
You should do you research before you go about claiming a "New Counter-Strike". The Counter-strike your so excited for is actually just the asian release of 1.6, and the reason it looks all revolutionary is because in their version they get more weapons, maps, and character skins. So ha!

I'm excited for Fable 2, and Fallout 3 (as long as i dont ALWAYS have to do that lame body part targetting thing)


Well-Known Member
Of course GOW2 is on my list, but also the rumored Dead Rising sequel is on my want list, FO3 as I'm old school and played FO and FO2..

my 360 just got the rrod and i dont have a warrinty='(

They sell a kit to repair the RROD on your own, it cost around $10-20 usd


Well-Known Member
You should do you research before you go about claiming a "New Counter-Strike". The Counter-strike your so excited for is actually just the asian release of 1.6, and the reason it looks all revolutionary is because in their version they get more weapons, maps, and character skins. So ha!

I'm excited for Fable 2, and Fallout 3 (as long as i dont ALWAYS have to do that lame body part targetting thing)

sorry, I'm not a gaming genius like yourself


Well-Known Member
fallout 3 woop woop!!!!!

hmm what else im really looking forward to getting my internet back so i can unlock the new heavyt weapons on team fortress 2 but thats already out i just love that fucking game i dont play anymroe fps besides that one now

i also want the new neverwinter nights 2 expansion

and i used to really wanna play darkfall when it comes out but im not gonna play another mmo ever again they take too much time i like games that have a story when i play rpgs mmos are just a watse of time and not that fun to me anymore i spent so many years on ultima online as a kid that all the mmos now are shitty carebear versions of what they should be

oh and the new marval alliance action/rpg game looks like its gonna be sick i used to play the old ones with a friend and they are great for multy player i havent played one online yet but i bet that will fuckin rock