Ganja Butter With Leftovers?

Hey I was just wondering if its possible to make cannibutter with whats leftover from my harvest(leafs, stems, roots, etc...) It would just be from one plant and was wondering if I had enough scraps to make some brownies? If so what parts do I actually use?


Well-Known Member
I have read all of the plant except the roots contain thc...perhaps trace ammounts... but thc nonetheless... I personally stopped using fan leaves...I still save them... for a friend who has a much lower tolerence... so big fan leaves and med fan leaves are placed in one area and the rest when I cut are :good: so I use them.. from sticks to stems... I will use it... I generally save the larger stems -sticks and make a qwiso on them the rest I dry then crumble and sift thru a mesh screen and then it gets decarb for future use... I dont smoke pot much anymore since I took to cooking it... made some more peanut butter cookies yesterday and well.. I had a nice day yesterday!