garage temp. too low for grow dresser?


Well-Known Member
I live in the far north US near the canada border. I am planning to build a stealth grow dresser but in the colder months my garage I say on avg would be between 30 on warmer days and maybe 10 degrees when coldest. I plan on using cfl's in my box. Wil these provide enough heat for me to grow in the winter?


Well-Known Member
Nope. But you could ad a small room heater that has a temp setting. I'm in the same temp range out here. Even with a 600w I needed heat. It will take some time but you can dial it in so temps don't go under 65. Just don't let it go over 75. It will run non stop and burn out then the girls will freeze.


Well-Known Member
I am going to build it now. I suppose Ill just test it before and if it is too cool I will wait till early spring. Too lazy and cheap to get a heater.