Gastanker's 600+w Organic UV Grow


Well-Known Member
Yeah. If you do it right it lasts quite a while with no refrigeration necessary. Essentially just find really cheap lean steak (fat will go rancid and make it taste gross), stick it in the freezer till its just starting to get hard (to help cutting it), cut it into thin slices, add marinade and let it sit for a day or two in the fridge, and then either use a dehydrator, line dry on a hot dry day, or hang on skewers in the oven with the door cracked and set it on warm. I generally use the oven and it always comes out great. It does take about 12 hours though.

Best part is that you can create whatever type you like and its much cheaper than store bought stuff and tastes way way better. Most of my recipes are soy sauce based but I've also had great success with cajun spices and beer. This last go used a soy sauce and dry white wine base but 1/4 had rosemary, 1/4 sweet basil and rosemary, 1/4 cajun spices, 1/4 Chinese 5 spice. Once you try it you'll be hooked as it's pretty much the perfect stoner food.
thanx for that gas! tummy rumbles bigtime! i'm sure your homemade would be much better! i make a mean casserole! i will have to do a bit of reading, and give the jerky a go soon, sounds easy enough!


Active Member
I'm just going to say I love you guys I'm so stoned and I'm looking at the escargot and the stuffd squash and all this shit. I'm about to go shopping soon and just cook some shit also.


Well-Known Member
thanx for that gas! tummy rumbles bigtime! i'm sure your homemade would be much better! i make a mean casserole! i will have to do a bit of reading, and give the jerky a go soon, sounds easy enough!
You wont regret it!

I'm just going to say I love you guys I'm so stoned and I'm looking at the escargot and the stuffd squash and all this shit. I'm about to go shopping soon and just cook some shit also.
Fuck yeah! Post a picture of whatever you make :)


Well-Known Member
Hey Mr tanker, figured I would drop by and blow up your journal real quick :) hope you like

Here are my veggies and other plants i have inside waiting to go out. bleeding Hearts and hostas, most common vegatable's planted. I will be working on a greenhouse in a couple weeks I cant wait. hoping to be able to build it for less than 100 bucks. oh and notice my DIY hood made out of ALUMINUM FOIL....AHHHHH i mist daily and yet to see a burn spot either jus sayin :)

Now on to the good stuff :hump:

The whole tent

Here is the last of the bagseed plants from my first grow, the clone i revegged. smells like diesel fuel /shrug about 2-3 weeks before chop


The Frisian dew, this thing is going to be monster with around 3-5 weeks left


and the blue cheese ScROG, coming along nicely, next ScROG i will do a bit differently as my canopy is a bit uneven but this plant is so fucking frosty for only week 3 of flower its redicules. im thinking at least another 5-6 weeks.


hope you enjoy, ill probally be finishing up what i have and shutting down the indoor setup and moving stuff outside so im hoping i can yeild enough to last me and the wife through the summer into Oct for outdoor harvest which should be pretty bumper is all plans go accordingly. then im not sure if ill be starting back up for the winter or not. we just dont have the space for it right now.


Well-Known Member
Fuckin awesome matt. You're right, that frisian dew is going to be a big one. The bag seed looks great and I'm blown away at that being just week 3 of flower for those blue cheese. Bravo! Sounds like a good plan with the outdoors as well. Really wish I had a place to do an outdoor this year :(


Well-Known Member
Hey Matt.. can't believe you grew that under cfl's those are some dense looking buddies......
they are under a 400w MH, my HPS bulb is broken.

them blue cheese buds are small man, im a bit dissapointed with thier size to be honest.

thanks guys, glad you enjoyed :)

oh the 105 watt CFL in pics is to supliment the red spectrum a bit to hopefully get them to grow a bit more


Well-Known Member
The larger plant missed a watering due to my negligence and it was looking pretty sad so I gave it a major haircut and might throw a screen into the mix. Also added two more plants into the flower area and took out all of the veggies - time for those to go outside and another round of seeds to hit the dirt. The plants in veg are looking great except for two which have frilly leaves. Not sure if they'll grow out of it or if they are just weird. Forgot to take the camera so there's a shot of veggies.



Well-Known Member
nice!!... i am heading out today and going to see if my gf gets her check, if she does its time to do some raised beds and get some of these veggies outside. I am in major need of some topsoil and fertilizers before i can plant anything though so i have about 100-200 bucks worth of gardening supplies to get before i can even plant.

it is still a little cold out for some stuff to go outside but i think i may do some research and see which plants a a bit more frost tolerant and try and get them outside.


Well-Known Member
nice!!... i am heading out today and going to see if my gf gets her check, if she does its time to do some raised beds and get some of these veggies outside. I am in major need of some topsoil and fertilizers before i can plant anything though so i have about 100-200 bucks worth of gardening supplies to get before i can even plant.

it is still a little cold out for some stuff to go outside but i think i may do some research and see which plants a a bit more frost tolerant and try and get them outside.
Sounds like a plan. I would highly suggest trying to find a local soil manufacture or worm farm to buy soil from as it's just a shitload cheaper for a lot more soil. There are quite a few tasty cold temp veggies. My favorites have got to be chard, bac choi (or any cabbage relative), greens (mustard, collards, broccoli...), carrots, chives, peas, radishes, and most lettuce. I personally tend to go with collards, chard, bac choi, and radishes (I eat the greens of the radishes also), as they tend to grow like weeds. Some of the others listed take a bit more care.


Well-Known Member
I have broccoli, couliflower, lettuce, carrots growing already so i should have enough to start. might try some radishes but we really dont eat them so dont see the sense in growing them, although i do plant on growing way more veggies than i can eat and donating alot of fresh produce to local food shelters so im sure someone would use them


Well-Known Member
I think i may do some fan leaf defoliating today to help my light penetrate better, as much as i dont like doing it i really think some of the nodes need the light and that blue cheese has got so many big fan leaves on top it probally wont phase it none to lose a dozen of em


Well-Known Member
Nice assortment there. I forgot kale - my all time favorite cold weather veggie. Grows like a weed as well.

Threw the rest of my plants into flower today. It's getting hot fast so I'm crossing my fingers that they finish before they fry. After this run the growing will stop till it gets cool again.


Well-Known Member
didnt get her check :(

one of my frisian dew colas broke today when i took them out of the tent to do a good thougrogh watering so its drying and i guess i get a small taste test (probally like 1/4 oz bud lol)

im actually not too upset about it since im smoking some weed that was only 4 weeks into flower that died on me so i chopped it. its pretty crappy and dosent seem to want to cure right


Well-Known Member
wheres the best place to order beans to states stealth of course sour and og thx in advance:roll:
hard to say what the best is as everyone has had their own experiences. I have used attitude once and everything worked out well. just use a reputable seedbank, plenty of rviews around.