Gave birth to my little one! =)


Well-Known Member
sorry I'm a month late HotNSexy,,but I haven't been on enough,,Congratulations to you and the family on the new addition,,best wishes to you and Lily ;-))


Well-Known Member
Thankx a lot Hole. Hope all is well on your end! =)

My man argues that pussy would be the other DARK meat since its in the lower region. LOL..


Well-Known Member
And what does that make pussy? The other OTHER white meat? Or something else entirely... like... chicken?

Boob ams goods tos nibbles on, though...
it's more like dessert. if you behave and you finish your main course of boobs then you'll get your pink taco.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
*Five months later*

Congratulations MILF! She's so beautiful, and I love the name Lily :grin:

I skimmed through this thread, saw that fucktard spagettibitch or whatever his name was. Wish I had been to join in the lynching, but I am glad that you shared your daughters pics with us :hug:


Active Member
Congrats HSM, beautiful girl you have there. My wife and I are expecting our 3rd (and last I might add) in Feb.

Although I have to say, all the placenta eating talk igged me out a bit. I guess I need to get in touch with my "natural" side. :-o