Gay Boy Scouts?


Well-Known Member
Not even sure what was even meant. I was a scout. The Scoutiest guy in our troop was gay. In every way, this guy embodied the Boy Scout ideal (except for one). I only found out he was gay years later. Meanwhile, most of the straight Scouts were retards.


Well-Known Member
That other law in Cali is more disturbing, the trans-gender school bathroom policy...starting in kindergarten.



Well-Known Member
Kind of off base don't you think?
um, no.

Not even sure what was even meant. I was a scout. The Scoutiest guy in our troop was gay. In every way, this guy embodied the Boy Scout ideal (except for one). I only found out he was gay years later. Meanwhile, most of the straight Scouts were retards.
the boy scouts of america is accepting openly gay boys starting today. its historical, kind of. i don't think it should have been a big deal but what do i know? i was never a scout cuz i wasn't allowed. my cousin was killed on a boyscout trip in april of 1970. he was 11. i was 9. we never found out who did it.


Bad idea. The problem is that a lot, not all, gays think that just because you spend time around them that you are interested in them. Unlike members of the opposite sex they don't recognize the signs of "not interested" and just persist and persist and persist.

For those that think I'm wrong, I was born in San Francisco and lived there many years. I've been around gays a great deal and they don't behave like straight men or women when it comes to finding mates.

If they are attracted to you, even knowing you're straight, they are very, very aggressive. I was very handsome in my younger days and almost daily late teen girls/women would ask me to join them for dinner or pizza (etc) with friends, the gays would just start groping or trying to kiss. I actually almost went to jail for knocking one out because he kept trying to rub my balls even after I told him to stop.

Your opinion may differ but I say no fags in the boyscouts.


Well-Known Member
^^^its cool. its your opinion. i don't think kids in the scouts have a lot of free time. "an idle mind..." and all that. and as to your almost going to jail...i'm thinking you would have had more of a problem there. wink wink.


Well-Known Member
Bad idea. The problem is that a lot, not all, gays think that just because you spend time around them that you are interested in them. Unlike members of the opposite sex they don't recognize the signs of "not interested" and just persist and persist and persist.

For those that think I'm wrong, I was born in San Francisco and lived there many years. I've been around gays a great deal and they don't behave like straight men or women when it comes to finding mates.

If they are attracted to you, even knowing you're straight, they are very, very aggressive. I was very handsome in my younger days and almost daily late teen girls/women would ask me to join them for dinner or pizza (etc) with friends, the gays would just start groping or trying to kiss. I actually almost went to jail for knocking one out because he kept trying to rub my balls even after I told him to stop.

Your opinion may differ but I say no fags in the boyscouts.
Now you know what being a hot chick is like.


Well-Known Member
Bad idea. The problem is that a lot, not all, gays think that just because you spend time around them that you are interested in them. Unlike members of the opposite sex they don't recognize the signs of "not interested" and just persist and persist and persist.

For those that think I'm wrong, I was born in San Francisco and lived there many years. I've been around gays a great deal and they don't behave like straight men or women when it comes to finding mates.

If they are attracted to you, even knowing you're straight, they are very, very aggressive. I was very handsome in my younger days and almost daily late teen girls/women would ask me to join them for dinner or pizza (etc) with friends, the gays would just start groping or trying to kiss. I actually almost went to jail for knocking one out because he kept trying to rub my balls even after I told him to stop.

Your opinion may differ but I say no fags in the boyscouts.
maybe they were interested in you because you kept sucking their cocks.


maybe they were interested in you because you kept sucking their cocks.
I thought you were a guy that was intelligent. I actually respected you and most of your opinions. Now it's clear that you are just merely another juvenile that talks shit on this board.


Well-Known Member
I thought you were a guy that was intelligent. I actually respected you and most of your opinions. Now it's clear that you are just merely another juvenile that talks shit on this board.
tell me more about how homosexuals are born without the intelligence to recognize the word no.

you're just a simple bigot, and i do not want your respect. i'd rather have your derision, as you have earned mine.


^^^its cool. its your opinion. i don't think kids in the scouts have a lot of free time. "an idle mind..." and all that. and as to your almost going to jail...i'm thinking you would have had more of a problem there. wink wink.
I've been in jail. Later I was in a case that was one of the first internet (circa 1996) cases of trafficking electronic equipment to defraud, I spend 90+ days in San Quentin and another 6 or so months at Marion as it was a Federal charge.

You asked a question about gays in boy scouts and I answered. I don't see a need to dig in to responses and cause problems. That's precisely what you did. You can look at every single post I've made on this forum long before I posted on this thread and see that I'm a nice, peaceful guy. The question was asked, I answered and now I'm getting people busting my balls.

Whatever dannyboy.


Well-Known Member
Bad idea. The problem is that a lot, not all, gays think that just because you spend time around them that you are interested in them. Unlike members of the opposite sex they don't recognize the signs of "not interested" and just persist and persist and persist.

For those that think I'm wrong, I was born in San Francisco and lived there many years. I've been around gays a great deal and they don't behave like straight men or women when it comes to finding mates.

If they are attracted to you, even knowing you're straight, they are very, very aggressive. I was very handsome in my younger days and almost daily late teen girls/women would ask me to join them for dinner or pizza (etc) with friends, the gays would just start groping or trying to kiss. I actually almost went to jail for knocking one out because he kept trying to rub my balls even after I told him to stop.

Your opinion may differ but I say no fags in the boyscouts.
I challenge the bolded.

1. So does every human being ever. We want to think that people want us.

2. Your mommy teling you that doesn't make it so.

3. I hate so much about what you choose to be.


Well-Known Member
Bad idea. The problem is that a lot, not all, gays think that just because you spend time around them that you are interested
kids in the scouts are not grown men from san fran. you had a bad experience with men not kids. there is a difference. or do you group all "fags" together?

You asked a question about gays in boy scouts and I answered. I don't see a need to dig in to responses and cause problems. That's precisely what you did.
Whatever dannyboy.
dude i didn't dig into anything. i was even trying to control myself after your ignorant comment. my bad. go fuck yourself "nice guy" least you spelled my name right:)