Gb 2014

Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
A little update; I lost my mutant Tahoe OG replacement :( she was already 4'x4'.
She was the first plant I have ever lost to topping. I topped a majority of my plants a few days ago, and she wilted and died before my eyes.
I didn't take sad pics, because.. fuck that plant for trying to bring down the rest of my plants :lol:
She's gone, and now I need to find a replacement... I sure could use a Kryptonite, if mofoo ever resurfaces *cough-cough*
Most likely I will just find something at the dispensary. Kinda sucks, but life goes on.
The rest of the garden is happy, and loving this triple digit heat... 111* for a high today.


Well-Known Member
A little update; I lost my mutant Tahoe OG replacement :( she was already 4'x4'.
She was the first plant I have ever lost to topping. I topped a majority of my plants a few days ago, and she wilted and died before my eyes.
I didn't take sad pics, because.. fuck that plant for trying to bring down the rest of my plants :lol:
She's gone, and now I need to find a replacement... I sure could use a Kryptonite, if mofoo ever resurfaces *cough-cough*
Most likely I will just find something at the dispensary. Kinda sucks, but life goes on.
The rest of the garden is happy, and loving this triple digit heat... 111* for a high today.
Are those Japanese Maples? isn't even July and those things are gynormously gigantic. Beautiful orchard. ;-)


Well-Known Member
Bummer about your loss. I've never heard of such a thing, they're a "weed" and damn near indestructible at that size/age. I still think you'll have enough meds to get you by....;-)

All the girls got extra water today due to the extreme heat, the whole garden is growing at a nice rate. We harvested about 10lbs of veggies Thursday, and another 10-12 over the weekend, and another 5-7 today. The some melons will be ready to be picked later this week, I'm excited about that. More tomatoes are showing, but nothing ready yet, they're taking there sweet ass time to get ripe. The wife made a radish, mango, cilantro, pepper, with a few other goodies in there salsa over the weekend that was delicious.
I think I might head to the river today for a swim.
Stay cool everybody...

Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
I hate to "like" bad news posts, but your making the best of it, and I gotta like that....(:
For sure man, No reason to woulda coulda shoulda shit. Just continue forward. Now I get to pick a new baby, hopefully they still have teen plants for sale.
Are those Japanese Maples? isn't even July and those things are gynormously gigantic. Beautiful orchard. ;-)
Why thank you (:
Bummer about your loss. I've never heard of such a thing, they're a "weed" and damn near indestructible at that size/age. I still think you'll have enough meds to get you by....;-)
All the girls got extra water today due to the extreme heat, the whole garden is growing at a nice rate. We harvested about 10lbs of veggies Thursday, and another 10-12 over the weekend, and another 5-7 today. The some melons will be ready to be picked later this week, I'm excited about that. More tomatoes are showing, but nothing ready yet, they're taking there sweet ass time to get ripe. The wife made a radish, mango, cilantro, pepper, with a few other goodies in there salsa over the weekend that was delicious.
I think I might head to the river today for a swim.
Stay cool everybody...
Me either, I would have guess gopher if she wasn't in smart pot sitting on chicken wire.
Awesome pull on the veggies. My vegetable garden is popping off also: Onions, Carrots, Peas (just finished producing), small strawberry patch, Jalapenos, Spicy Banana, Green Bell, Artichoke (1 small so far), Cherry Tomato (my favorite garden snack), and Better Boy (not red yet) we are getting overstocked on zucchinis and yellow squash... I've been feeding them MaxSea this year, they love it (:

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
A little update; I lost my mutant Tahoe OG replacement :( she was already 4'x4'.
She was the first plant I have ever lost to topping. I topped a majority of my plants a few days ago, and she wilted and died before my eyes.
I didn't take sad pics, because.. fuck that plant for trying to bring down the rest of my plants :lol:
She's gone, and now I need to find a replacement... I sure could use a Kryptonite, if mofoo ever resurfaces *cough-cough*
Most likely I will just find something at the dispensary. Kinda sucks, but life goes on.
The rest of the garden is happy, and loving this triple digit heat... 111* for a high today.
It looks so unlike a GB garden with an empty space mate lol..... is that one on the closest right the orange ??


Well-Known Member
Holy shit dude I'm placing bets now 8 pounds a plant
I don't think He'll average 8 per plant, (5-6 lb. average) but I bet he'll have a few over 8. I think he may even have a 10lber or three out there. It just depends on how the second half of his season goes. GB seems to be on top of his "game", so I for-see a lot of heavy lifting in his future.:clap:
Keep up the good work GB.