Geek's White Widow CFL Grow Log

well iv been reading pretty much all the threads here and thought id join in on the fun. i havent grow in quite a few years so everything is pretty much new to me again as i didnt grow for very long last time not because i couldn't but because of other reasons. im now in the process of getting a medical grow license for myself and in the meantime have started a couple plants under some cfls in my closet.

this is my first attempt at a grow log so please bare with me.

i ordered 15 White Widow seeds from a seed bank and sprouted 5 in a glass of water for 24 hours in a dark place. all 5 cracked open in the 24 hours then i placed them into smaller pots with regular walmart soil. (actually was my cactus soil i had left:)

anyways 4 of the 5 broke ground the 5th didnt grow any bigger then when i took it outta the cup of water so i tossed it.

i now have 4 plants that are 19 days old. i planted them new years eve. so far everything has gone pretty well. i couldnt find any proper nutrients so i bought some regular miracle grow which i new was bad but it was all i could get at the time. as youll see with some of the pics theres a bit of burn from it or atleast thats what i think its from. its mostly the older leaves with any orangish spots the newer leaves all look good. iv since found a local hydro store that is my new second home and have bought some proper nutrients for my babies.

iv also since transplanted them to what i hope will be there final home for the rest of the grow.

since seed they have vegged under 24 hour light with 8 x 26 watt Daylight cfl bulbs until a few days ago.

since im using cfl lights i dont want them to get too tall so on day 17 i changed them to 12/12 light cycle under 8 x 26 watt 2700k(soft white) cfl bulbs and a couple daylights in there to add a bit of blue spectrum.

i dont want my first post to be a mile long so ill leave it there and with a few pics. i hope to use this thread as my log and am open to any suggestions or advice anyone has.

Happy Growing :leaf:

Genetics: White Widow from BCSeedking

Soil: Pro-Mix Pro with Mycorise

Nutrients: Pure Blend Pro Grow 3-2-4

Dimensions: 6'x2'x8' Closet

Light: 8 x 26 watt Daylight CFL's for veg & 8x26 watt 2700k Soft White for budding and still adding more as i go


these pics are from Jan 5th & 11th 2010.

lots more to come


alright all caught up.

the big clear jug is my Co2 setup. i have tubing going from it to a T fitting then more tubing circles my plants. i placed a hole in the tubing over top of each plant for now so it falls down on them. it doesnt seem to be producing much Co2 i think i didnt add nearly enuf sugar for the size of container i used. gonna grab a few bags of it this weekend along with some bloom nutes.

i was planning on letting them grow in veg for a longer period but since im using the cfls for now i figure ill just put them right into 12/12. in a few weeks i hope to be able to tell the males and females apart and get rid of the males except 1 which im gonna cut a branch off and collect pollen from so i can get some seeds. once i get atleast 1 female im gonna take a couple clones of her and use the best as a mom. this is just my warm up grow i guess you could say. i plan on getting a 600w digital HPS light next month but i think im just gonna use the cfls for this grow until the end just so i can see the results compared to growing with the HPS light later on

i plan on using that silver aluminum tape for ducting on the back side of the cfl bulb as a reflector. i believe the sticky side is also quite reflective so that would work well.

i tried just taping the dull side of aluminum foil to the back side of each bulb and that works pretty well. at least to keep the light directed down.

im usin my closet to grow in its gotta be almost 15 feet wide with 2 sets of sliding doors. these r a real pain to light proof but with some of those copper pipe foam covers did the trick. the fit under th sliding door perfectly and created a nice seal. best part is i can slide the both doors either way no problem. i ran out of those covers to dot he sides of the sliding doors but i think itll work perfect there also. the 1" gap in the long foam cover fits over edges of doors great

these pictures are from today so the plants are 19 days old from seed and 2 days into flowering 12/12 with the 2700k bulbs. each plant has its own light socket with Y splitter and each splitter has 2 x 26 watt 2700k bulbs.

i then have a single light socket with 1 x 26 watt Daylight 6500k bulbs hanging between 2 of the plants and the same for the other 2 plants. i keep reading its good to add a bit of blue.

hope the pics r ok i dont have the best camera. id like to put some hi res pics up eventually but always hate finding a thread with pics on another image hosting site that have been taken down so ill keep the hi res pics until we see some flowers :bigjoint:

BTW that last pic with the plants top at almost a 90 degree angle is when i took it out of my garden for a minuet to take some pictures. literally within maybe 3 minuets it had bent over towards the closet. i had thought i snapped it in half



man there looking good I started about the same time but dont have the growth that you have by any means, But then again i guess thats because i'm working with bagseeds that who know how long Ive had.

I look forward to following your grow


Strong looking grow.. love the white strains.. white rhino is my favorite but white widow is definitely a top candidate..

Impossible to find any white widow clones in the bay area
thanks everyone for the comments.

there 23 days old now and 6 days into 12/12

my doctor signed my medical marijuana application so looks like in about 4 weeks i will be 100% legal to grow :bigjoint:

he recommended 4 grams on the application so that should allow me 20 plants. not too bad i was trying for 5 grams a day so i could have 25 plants. i wanna eventually just have a mother plant and take clones to harvest so ill be hitting that limit pretty easy. i guess ill have to grow them a bit bigger instead to make up.

the 600w digital HPS light i plant to get in a couple weeks should be just fine for the next harvest.

my plants now are doing pretty good. im starting to see some preflowers but i cant quite tell whos who yet. i have 4 plants and 2 are bigger then the other 2 but each set looks exactly alike. im guessing the bigger ones are gonna be the males they dont seem to be as bushy as the small ones.

i took 2 clones of each plant tonight and put them under a 6500k daylight 26w CFL light in a humidty dome on top of a heating pad with the light going 24 hours.

once i know which plants r the females ill toss the male clones and keep 1 of the female clones as a mom for now.

a friend of mine is growing on the east coast and is gonna send me 2 clones. 1 strawberry cough and 1 bubba kush

15$ each and 20$ for shipping cant go wrong.

im near toronto so they should arrive the next day. im sure theyll do just fine they are already rooted.

heres some updated pics plus a couple pics of my baby peyote cactus i grafted


well i think i have 2 males atleast.

before i had said 2 of each plants r identical to each other. so 2 are taller and 2 are shorter. the 2 taller ones defidently have some preflowers and they do look male.

the 2 smaller plants dont really have any yet.

everything i read online says the males will be taller and usually develop before the females.

im gonna give them a few more days till im sure there males then ill pull them and toss the clones i took from them yesterday.

even tho i vegged them for 3 weeks and am using CFL lights there staying really short. i think they havent grown much lately due to the change to 12/12.

im not hoping for the biggest yield im more just trying to get myself started and to have a decent mom to use for clones.

heres some pics

BTW. i did some LST also. i tied each plants top down with rubber bands. i think rubber bands would be better then string since theyc an flex as the plant grows and wouldnt cut into the plant as much i would think.

they worked perfect i just used a drill to place a couple holes int he edge of the pot and tied the rubber bands there.

my cameras battery is dead didnt get to get many pics b4 it died


heres some updated photos. im almost 100% sure now 2 are males. if anyone would be so kind to give me there impression from the photos what you think

to me it looks like a little ball on a very small stick.

the other 2 smaller plants still have yet to show any signs of sex. im pretty confident theyll be female since there both so short and both not showing any signs yet.


ok i need some help. the 2 plants left which i assume are female are starting to show pre flowers. but these preflowers look almost the same as the male ones but not quite the same.

can anyone chime in and let me know what they think of the pics and if it looks like a female preflower

these pics are just from 1 plant


its been a bit since i posted anyhting so heres an update. that plant was a make so im down to the 1 female plant. better then nothing right

shes going into flowering hard and there are white hairs everywhere.

i also got my clones in the mail. strawberry cough and bubba kush. the guy my friend got them from had them in little tiny coffee cups. the little Styrofoam ones. 2 of the plants were a foot tall easy so they were root bound pretty bad and looked absolutly terrible. iv been nursing them back to health and there looking better every day. i have them on the veg side of my closet with the other plants.

i ordered my digital 600w light too. comes with a nice air cooled hood. its from illumalights. anyone in canada should really check them out great prices and 3 year warranty on the digi ballast.

paid 311$ total for the ballast, 2 super bulbs. one HPS one MH. a nice 24 hours timer, 2 yoyo pulleys for hanging the lights and the nice air cooled reflector.

pretty good deal if you ask me. the HPS bulb is rated for 90,000 lumines :fire:

i think im gonna set it up on the veg side of my closet for now since i only have 1 plant on the budding side and 16 on the veg side.

would also be nice to compare the buds from the cfl to the digital HPS light

anyways heres a bunch of pics from the last week or so.



Active Member
nice grow, nice light deal (good price), and im surprised no one mentioned your peyote graft, seemed cool to me