Gender identification


Can we tell gender ? I've got 2 regs in tent with 3 fems and hate to screw it up? Fixing to flip my older ones but hate to leave them in there if we can tell. Also ive got a pic of a leaf i havent seen before. I assume nuit burn but thought half the leaf overnight was kinda funky. My first grow, have been very thankful to join a group like you guys thanks for all the support. :clap::leaf:



Well-Known Member
Can't tell from those pics. Just flip them. If they're male you'll have plenty of time to get them out before they start dropping pollen.


Well-Known Member
YEah, male flowers need to develop and mature just like a female flower.
What you should keep an eye open for ar testicles growing at the base of flower clusters once the whole pony show gets on the road.


Thank you all much for quick response. Super glad i dont have to worry about anything soon. Here a little better idea of what u got going I was afraid to pop too many all at once so I just started with 2. My wife got her card now aswell so I believe our next run will be 12 :shock:

