General hydroponics


Well-Known Member
Does anyone have a feeding schedule for 3 part general hydroponics for ebb and flo growing? ive been told that Gh recommendation on the back of the bottle is too strong. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
About 4 weeks, I started them in an aero cloner Under t5 using 1ml per gallon of each nutrient. As soon as I transplant and switch to metal halide for veg, they always experience nutrient issues. I understand plants go into a shock, but I do not get those issues when I transplant into coco and use heads method of 6micro per gallon and 9bloom per gallon


Well-Known Member
Are u feeding at like Early growth then?

So like 3/4 strength

Good place to be in DWC at that age. By week 6 I'd be at 100% strength, I use RO water as well, my tap sucks for DWC

Plus if they are clones they are really older than there weeks rooted are