General Question


I purchases some seeds from a seed bank. Flowering period is listed as 8-9 weeks. Does this mean from the time it breaks soil, or after veg state has completed?? These were very expensive seeds and I don't want to fuck up. I learned from my first grow and want to do my best this time. How long do most people veg there plants before 12 -12? One major mistake I made was containers were too small. Not this time!

Thanks for your help


Well-Known Member
depends on the strain.... I would veg for 4 weeks or more... 6 is ideal if you are looking for a great yield covered in trichs.... as for flowering.... it's 8-9 weeks from the flip...some people wait to start counting weeks until she shows preflowers... all up to you...

Illegal Smile

I typically veg for 5 weeks and then flower for nine.

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
I purchases some seeds from a seed bank. Flowering period is listed as 8-9 weeks. Does this mean from the time it breaks soil, or after veg state has completed?? These were very expensive seeds and I don't want to fuck up. I learned from my first grow and want to do my best this time. How long do most people veg there plants before 12 -12? One major mistake I made was containers were too small. Not this time!

Thanks for your help
It is not from the time the seed breaks through the soil. When it breaks through the soil, it's a seedling. It then should go through a vegetative stage unless you are doing a 12/12 grow from seed. Each person decides on their own how long they veg their plants. I vegged mine for about twenty five days before I turned the lights to 12/12. I don't want to grow huge bushes so I kept the veg time down on this grow, plus I have some good sativa seeds that I want to grow. Just remember, it's an ongoing experiment that we hopefully learn something each time we grow. Nothing is a failure if you learn from it. I also count my flowering time after I can identify most of my plants if not all of them. I'm a couple days shy of two complete weeks of flowering. Some of my girls are actually three weeks old but I didn't start counting week one until I could identify all the females. From my little bit of experience, most plants could use nine weeks, indica that is, sativa longer.



bud bootlegger
i would just like to add to what everyone else has said above, all of which was good info... the 8 or 9 weeks that comes on the side of the package or where ever is really just a guideline for that strain, and not really written in stone as there are sooo many factors that will attribute to a plants flowering time.. get yourself a 30x jewlers loupe and check out the progress of the trichomes on your buds and let that have the final say of when your buds are ready to come down instead of the eight or nine weeks that the breeder says.. you will want to see about a 50/50 mix of cloudy and amber trics on the plants before you decide to chop them..


Just wanted to say thanks for all of the input. I guess experience is the best way to learn. I hope to get better every grow. I would be lost without this forum. I plan on cloning from some of the plants from my next grow. Hope the quality is what the seed bank claims!! I am using 4 gal pots this time(learned the hard way). I think I may have not given enough nutes on my first grow. I was afraid of burning the plants. I also dropped the cash for HPS and MH lights. My first grow was done with 8 48" 40W shop lights. I noticed a big difference in growth and bud formation after only a few days under the HPS. I can hardly wait for my state to legalize medical use. It will be more fun when I don't feel the need to hide anymore!